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Posts posted by exAtyeoMax

  1. 15 hours ago, ATRUEREDBLUE said:


    The solution for Bristol City is clear


    1. The Club must be transparent, speak things as they are, and produce a plan to deal with what, the majority, of supporters can see. This means being honest about the Club’s weaknesses and failures on the pitch over many years (not being in the promotion frame in the same way that Cardiff, Swansea, Burnley, Norwich, Huddersfield, Bournemouth, Luton and others have been over many years) and putting forward a plan to address this. It also includes the Club being realistic, about the current playing squad and the risk that the club has taken in appointing LM as head coach (a good young coach with no relevant track record). In many ways LM has been put into a very difficult position (as far as expectations against resources is concerned and taking into account the competitiveness of the Championship) and this should be acknowledged by the Club.

     2. The supporter base should reach out to SL and the Lansdown family to communicate its appreciation for what the Lansdown’s have done for the club and the City of Bristol over the years (particularly in relation to the stadium and training facility) but at the same time should communicate that they believe that SL needs to obtain better help and guidance (in relation to both football and executive leadership at the club) and should make it a priority to obtain this.

     3. It would be for SL to acknowledge this support but also admit to the main failure that we have all witnessed during his tenure at the club – that of the lack of achievement on the pitch. It would help for SL to talk to supporters about this and to consider embracing their request that he should use some of his resources to find the best football and executive leadership possible (better than the personnel who have been appointed in the past and the current senior team), who can take responsibility for the strategy going forward. If we are aiming for the Premier League we need a Premier League standard Board and Leadership. SL has achieved massive things at the Club but it would show huge strength to admit and address the key failure of his tenure - that of under achieving on the pitch notwithstanding his financial status and input. To be honest, it feels as though the clubs approach to its main challenge (that of getting to the Premier League) has been parochial, second rate and a bit local - in some ways this mirrors the way many people within football view our Club - we are unfashionable and they don't see us as Premier League. This is something we must change because Bristol is a Premier League City and deserves a Premier League Club. Places like Swansea, Norwich, Burnley, Huddersfield and Bournemouth cannot hold a candle to Bristol. 

     4. The new football and executive leadership would be tasked with (a) developing a robust succession plan for SL and the Lansdown family and (b) assessing what the club needs both in relation to playing squad and football management and coaching to mount a realistic challenge for the play-offs and promotion.

     5. This approach would gain the respect of the supporters (it would give transparency and would propose a solution to the current situation which supporters are becoming increasingly despondent about) and would protect the deserved legacy of SL and the Lansdown family at the same time. 

    SL has already stated that he is looking for a buyer or at least investment.

    I don't think they want to implement a proper company structure before getting new investment. 


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  2. 2 minutes ago, 1960maaan said:

    I get the feeling they have no idea of succession planning .

    Once SL undermined PA , it made getting a quality replacement difficult . I think the role is earmarked for BT.  Same in a way for HoM , they will stumble along until someone eventually comes up with a name. We don't have anyone at the Club with the links to know names that would suit.  The person with most Football experience and contacts would be Tinnion and he doesn't strike me as having made lots of close contacts. 
     Pearson had the pull , the network and contacts to rebuild the backroom previously. Manning hasn't built those connections yet IMO. We would be relying on recommendations and again , at the top we don't seem to have an abundance of Football connections. 

    The club is trying to do it on the cheap

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  3. 13 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    Nah, just think they were being petty with Nige, and then invented a back story to make it fit, forgetting they’d already said things like “plan a with Alex / plan b without Alex”.

    PA didn’t seem comfortable trying to explain it on SOTC.  Not sure whether between him and Nige they decided they’d give slightly different messages to highlight the “hostage” situation!  Nige talking about wages, PA talking about transfer fees in relation to the budget.  Bit like Arnie asking about “wolfie” in Terminator 2, knowing that wasn’t the dog’s name.

    A case of “your CEO and Manager are sacked” rather than “Your foster parents are dead”!! 🤣

    Why didn’t they appoint a new CEO then? Why haven’t they appointed a new head of medical?

  4. 2 minutes ago, 1960maaan said:


    Tinnion leaving Twitter ?

    Counting how many times Manning can mention S******pton  ?

    Jon nicking artwork from the internet to "design " a new badge ?

    Finding out we have a top 6 squad ?

    So many to choose from :facepalm:

    It’s more Lambrini than champagne… 

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  5. Someone posted on another thread, can’t find it and can’t remember who… that Nige was possibly fired because the bods panicked because of a financial requirement for this season. I might have misinterpreted or misread the post but it did make me wonder why there was this acute cost saving at the beginning of the season with PA going too. Was it because JL was told there was no more money? The nest egg was put into hibernation? 

  6. 23 minutes ago, DT The Optimist said:

    Got to ask the question….tin helmet on.

    Would those be expected to sing who were  also on the 26/12/22 singing ‘we want Pearson out’ along with ‘you don’t know what your doing’ 

    It was reported in the media a toxic atmosphere was created dby fans demanding his head… now that would be ironic a !  And of course I heard it as well. 
    how times change, and football fans 🤔 short memories ?

    we lost that day to WBA 0 2…

    It's not compulsory, you don't have to join in

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    Definitely a large element of that.  I do think our opponents are dictating how we play.  It’s bonkers.  So much so, that (as you say) all we have is a “block”.  There is no attacking plan, other than pray for a set-piece or a counterattack.  And teams like QPR don’t even let you do that.

    Fans sack managers - because either:

    - the manager isn’t performing, or

    - the “club” aren’t communicating the expectations or situation correctly.

    like a boss win GIF*

    *This is far too exciting.

    • Haha 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, Gert Mare said:

    It certainly looks that way doesn’t it Dave?

    @RollsRoyce Aligns with what you have said ins so much as they genuinely believe that they know what is best, but also highlights any insight or deep dive research.

    Makes me think back to how ‘rigorous’ our ‘rigorous process’ has been in the past and seemingly repeated most recently with the ‘due diligence’ performed on Liam Manning prior to his appointment.

    They probably found out he was a friend of McKenna, so he must be good.

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  9. Just now, Davefevs said:

    That is exactly what I’ve been saying for ages.  They’ve seem an “outcome” (Luton, Brentford, Brighton, Coventry, Ipswich, who have I missed), but no idea firstly how those clubs achieved it, nor secondly how they might replicate or thirdly how they might achieve it in their own way.

    ”get promotion with a young head-coach” is all they have…honestly!

    I think GOs mentioned the Luton love in last night. WTF

  10. 5 minutes ago, reddogkev said:

    It's now or never, I want to see him as City manager, just to live that experience, you know we all secretly want it!

    I can see Warnock being the man to take City to the play off places, or at least give us a season never to forget!

    Let's make fan power force it to happen.

    Or have I just lost the plot and maybe suffering from temporary insanity?  I'd take anyone instead of bland vanilla man.

    I think I've reached that stage! 

    I couldn't cope with GJ, LJ or any other SL's buddies.

    Warner Bros Lol GIF by Joker Movie

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  11. 8 minutes ago, RollsRoyce said:

    I rather think, and this is my view, that they actually believed what they were saying. Whilst that then became an extra burden for Manning, I am still of the opinion that Marshall, Tinnion and Jon L , possibly SL too, thought that a young coach would , with new ideas, more training, get a better performance from our squad. They were being honest. The trouble is, they were being superficial and making decisions without any of the 3/4 of them having anything but a fanciful idea about such matters . I almost wish they were saying blatant lies, maybe they did not highlight Nigel's health, but the rest of it,  for me, they really thought Manning was going to be the surprise package, 30 games to sneak into the play offs, Luton style, or Cooper at Forest. It was a reckless gamble, made out of hope rather than policy, disregarding all of the nuances of change that had occurred the previous years. 

    They were not lying or being dishonest, just incompetent. 

    I think that's even more worrying. As JP said last night, they have an ideal but no ******* idea of how to accomplish it.  

    I had a boss like that, moan and shout about someone not doing their job but when told exactly why they couldn't do it, said "I'm not interested in the nuts and bolts of it" idiot. You can't argue with idiots.

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  12. 8 minutes ago, Gert Mare said:

    I’ve managed to listen this morning to SOTC from last night and agree that it was a very interesting and insightful debate.

    Interested when Peircy talked about the whole atmosphere affecting feelings of supporters and players.

    He also acknowledged that this whole debacle could have been better handled by the club. 

    As I alluded to in another post elsewhere the club seem hell bent on creating a “them and us” divide between supporters and the board and I echo Piercy’s comments that Nigel was a figurehead who didn’t shirk from challenging comments, but also tried to get players and fans onboard by being authentic, honest, empathetic and displayed integrity.

    Yes, he might have called out individuals, but he also was true to his word that if a player showed willingness to improve and be ready to knock on the door when the opportunity arose again that he would give them another chance and he was a man of his word, thus earning respect.

    The board do not seem to grasp these qualities. Sometimes you need to call out negatives, but at the same time you balance it out by also giving credit for positive contributions. This creates motivation because the negatives are turned into learning opportunities and also provides accountability and people understand their responsibilities.

    The board should have been truthful in the reasons for their dismissal of Nigel Pearson and whilst some supporters may not have liked it at least they would haven’t tried to fill in narratives in their own minds.

    Instead they concocted a bizarre communication plan with wildly unrealistic aims and as Peircy indicated, it became the stick to beat the owners with as soon as things started to go wrong.

    Manning was set up to fail and anything else would have been a bonus. A lot of this toxic feel around the club could have been avoided by the board simply showing some integrity.

    Now they have nowhere to hide and will have to be held accountable due to stating that the squad is one of the best, top end, front foot, best chance of success this season blah, blah, blah - all because they blind-sided the supporters, threw Liam into a toxic cauldron and then ran away and hid.

    Everything good they do is undone by the divide they create through spineless communication.

    Bristol City can be successful, but only with strong leadership and those behaviours and stepping up and taking responsibility that Liam talks about starts at the very top and filters down throughout the club.

    I’m sorry, but until these fundamental requirements change then we’re doomed to mediocrity at best and abject failure at worst.


    plus they besmirched the name of Dave Rennie. 

    None of their crap was necessary. Why not just say we've reached the end of the line with Nige and we feel that the club wants to explore other avenues…blah blah blah. 'Kin' idiots 

    • Like 6
  13. 12 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    The technical director is not dictating how Manning plays or who he signs.  If he was, we’d be playing front foot, high press, forward thinking, attacking football.  We aren’t doing any of those.  This is Manning’s approach, not Tinnion’s.  Tinnion’s fault he thought he was getting something else, but he ain’t dictating it.

    Twine and Mebude signing’s will have been heavily influenced by Manning, Murphy and Stokes, both really young and already in plan.  No reason to not sign them.

    I don’t think we sign Bird if Manning doesn’t rate him.

    I wonder if it's BT trying to protect his position (ie setting up not to lose)?

    Why have we suddenly adopted this strange approach to games? Why is the Soton game an outlier? Why has it changed so dramatically since then? Is it BT's orders? 

  14. 13 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    Yep, “back him or sack him”, 8 games isn’t gonna change your mind.  And I think Manning is too set in his ways to change anything dramatically.

    Too many decisions to make between now and May, e.g. contracts of existing players, nail your summer targets, etc.  If you are gonna change, you’d want the new manager to have a bit of a look first.

    Giving 8 games is the worst of both worlds.  But kinda fits perfectly the way decisions appear to be made at City.

    I’m not sure whether the person who earlier used “farse” instead of “farce”, used it deliberately or not, but it seems a better spelling for City.

    I'm worried that good squad players will leave because the club wants to keep LM.

    It is a farse!

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  15. 26 minutes ago, AshtonGreat said:

    To be fair, there have been people on here saying he was the best manager we've ever had

    I took that to mean the highest calibre, most successful and most experienced, but I could be mistaken.

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