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Everything posted by Red-Robbo

  1. Cut the guy some slack. Can any of us imagine how tough our school days would've been with the name I. Gay?
  2. I know what you're aluding to and it's an urban myth - both in terms of the band name (which is meaningless) and in terms of the "average amount" - which as a liquid would be measured in mililitres, not cubic centimetres.
  3. Positives? It was so crap that I left before the rain got really heavy.
  4. I've only been there to ski, but the Val 'dArly just a bit further on from Megeve is pretty and full of small family run cafes and restaurants. We stayed in Notre-Dame de Bellecombe, which was really nice - and had views of Mont Blanc without the international glitterati gliding past and pushing up prices. Annecy as @Gazred says is well worth a visit. Pop over the border to spend a day in Geneva. It was a beautiful place, though the coldest I've ever been on holiday - and I've been to Iceland. If you're in the south, visit Grenoble and take its cable cars (which run all year round) up to its hilltop fortress.
  5. How I see it too. Not a "super keeper" but is a competent Championship shot-stopped that I'm happy to have in place next season. The question is whether Bajic is good enough to step in if called upon. We've been lucky with Max staying uninjured, but it's a position that gets lots of heavy impacts. Goalies, like everyone else, can lose form too.
  6. Both working until late. Will get romantic when she gets home...
  7. Most of the tools were undergraduates...
  8. I'd have got the train from Bath. Quick and not vastly expensive. How I used to get home from uni.
  9. And doesn't seem to have any foundation of truth In other words, it's an urban myth.
  10. Thank you. I lived there for three and a bit years. It has some nice points. It's a tad dull. As an industrial port town it has its grim areas, as does Bristol, but it's leafy - more urban parkland per acre than any other UK city over 100.000 - and it's considerably nicer than Portsmouth which, Southsea sea front excepted, is a concrete nightmate with a distinctly threatening vibe at night. Occasionally attended the Dell as a student and found Saints fans very friendly and also quite well-disposed towards Bristol City. They are proud of their club's record - a small city punching above its weight - but not, in my experience, "arrogant".
  11. You can stay on the A34. Past Winchester, all bypassed these days, then you're there in no time. A34 these days is the way to go - an underused triple then dual carriageway.
  12. So few Otib members like this particular sub-forum that I think this will continue to be an issue until it is discontinued.
  13. ?? Direct train service from Bristol. Or A36 running all the way there - or M4-A34.
  14. Actually that isn’t what Wikipedia says at all. It says that one (British) author has suggested it was named after the New York World but the claim is disputed. If you follow the link from that comment you get to an article which shows historians can find no evidence of a link between the NY World and the World Series. As I said, I'm inclined to believe this is just a case of someone making something up and it getting repeated - sports events weren't named after companies in 1903. That sort of marketing just hadn't been invented. See also "Port Out, Starboard Home" as the origin of the word posh - another invention accepted by many as a fact.
  15. It wasn't sponsored by a newspaper called the New York World - or anyone else. In fact, when you think about it, the concept of sporting events (or anything else) being sponsored by commercial entities in return for naming rights wasn't really around back then.
  16. I've always found it a bit of a bewildering term. Bands bracketed under the Krautrock umbrella include ones playing psychedelic prog rock, freak-folk and what we'd now define as electronica. There isn't much of a common thread other than them being based in West Germany in the early 70s. Same applies of course to "Britpop". Not a musical movement at all, just a collection of bands, mainly playing guitars, that happened to be current in the UK in the 90s. None of them sounded like each other. Incidentally, Germans today use the word 'kraut' to mean herbal marijuana, so maybe "krautrock" is appropriate!
  17. Bear and bare are two other homonyms that are frequently confused on Otib, as well as NTTDS favourite hoards rather than hordes.
  18. They know the difference in meaning, they just can't spell. In my experience, the most common misspelling - other than there/their/they're - is loose instead of lose.
  19. It was the perfect storm: facing very good players and a team on a winning streak. You could just see how they oozed confidence. At the same time, a number of our players had their worst games in a City shirt. Yesterday we faced a decent side but one whose form has been as variable as ours. This time we saw some of the best performances from some of our players. Manning has been known to make mistakes - a few unnecessary and baffling substitutions, for example - but so did Pearson. Generally speaking I think he's had a fairly beneficial presence at the club and has got a team that is fairly average in ability, playing competently, working hard and gelling well. That's what you ask from any manager. Once the game begins, it's the individual players who must take the praise or blame for their performance.
  20. He's also from Lancashire, not Bristol.
  21. Good game to be watching with your Boro-supporting brother-in-law.
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