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Everything posted by Red-Robbo

  1. They couldn't afford to put 50p in the electricity meter.
  2. Got to love that Gashead on R Bris afterwards, "City ur miles ahead of us. We'll neverrr catch them up", then he sounded like he was about to cry.
  3. Aww, do we have to? As it stands I can have match days ruined without having to put any petrol in my car
  4. Cripes. There was some power in that.
  5. Cometh the hour, cometh the man. I've had a word with Sunday League Dave from the Dog & Duck FC and he says he'll do it for £60 a week, providing he doesn't have to hold up that bloody embarrassing scarf when he's announced. Can't work Saturdays either, 'cause he's on shifts then. Actually, scrub that. He's probably overqualified for the job, thinking about the Garner appointment.
  6. We've got an unwanted manager they can have for free! No compensation needed. In fact, I'll stump up the bus fare to Horefield out of my own funds.
  7. He's lost 3 matches (can't count his first, he had been there for about an hour before kick-off). In the same period of time, we've lost 8.
  8. TBH it's the deficiencies of the current regime I'm interested in. Can't do owt about the distant past. There's at least one poster whose love of one previous manager and hatred of another is so extreme that I speculate about their mental health. All I'll say is direct comparisons are difficult. Johnson was given the freedom to buy more players, but he also had to sell players as soon as they started to look really good. Johnson achieved better results with much the same group of players, but he did have Lee Tomlin, who was key that half season as a crucial addition. Tomlin's arrival was not his work. Maybe I'm odd, but I don't love one ex-manager and hate the other. They both played an important role in establishing where I think we as a club should be, the top half of the Championship. Whether we can stay there is another - more pressing - question.
  9. Anyone else find these intense, circular battles over previous managers incredibly tedious.
  10. Well the development of the site will keep some of the historic zoo buildings intact, so the monkey temple will make a great stand/perch for the simian Gasheads. One good thing, the car-park will finally be big enough for visitors.
  11. A pretty sobering fact is that by the time us blokes reach 80, half of us are likely to have prostate cancer (although we won't all know it). It's a gland with a seeming inbuilt self-destruct mechanism and it's one of the reasons women live significantly longer than men. As the second most prevalent carcinomic malignancy (after lung cancer) it seems to me that very few resources are devoted into research into it, simply because most victims are elderly men.
  12. Seeing the word "Jordan" got them all excited. They thought they were billionaires.
  13. Extremely sad news. What an inspiration he was.
  14. You might be right. I thought he won it a bit earlier, but without Googling I can't be sure. He certainly is a top-level player who is playing pub darts these days, however. A Radstock legend.
  15. He must be knocking on these days.
  16. Mike Gregory? It's a funny sport, darts. When form goes, it goes really fast and rarely comes back. I gather he's still a formidable darter at pub level.
  17. Don't forget, that's just their prize money Phants. If they've been prominent in the past, they will earn more from personal appearances and exhibition matches.
  18. He's earned £236K from prize money alone in the last two years. There are more than 50 blokes who earn more than £30K prize money a year and of course there will be personal appearances and money from other events, sponsorships and endorsements.
  19. Nothing similar about our core support with theirs. For a start our core support have two less fingers on average and can read without their lips moving.
  20. He wouldn't be the first furtive fiddler to represent them...
  21. It was a VHS cassette of Gas highlights from that season. Penney recorded Gone With The Wind over the unused final three hours of the tape...
  22. Dave "bad" Penney was my favourite from that lot. A cracking 15% win ration and he never managed a league club again. Now sporting director at Conference North, York City.
  23. I wonder if "Dame Dildo" will use her political connections again to get Cheltenham Gold Cup running in 2021. Things should have just settled down nicely by then for a good super spreader event to set us all back...
  24. The usual methodology when Rovers were NLBRFC was to count how many turned up late and couldn't get in - then add 299. For League and Cup matches the same method applies, but count the latecomers then add 9,999.
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