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Posts posted by Red-Robbo

  1. I hope that AV is not dead in the water but If part of the deal was supermarket money from the sale of the Gate to fund it that changes the project .

    Good point. However I can only think of AG redevelopment as a stop gap. Long-term the club will need a more flexible and profit-bringing home.

    I just hope it's in south Bristol. To get to somewhere like Portishead or Avonmouth would be a nightmare for someone living where I do.

  2. I tend to agree.

    There were mistakes made from the outset and those mistakes were heavily punished by nimbys.

    There wasn't enough lobbying at government level to get this on the National agenda as its not just Bristol that has this problem. A decent MP would have helped - at least the MP for the Gas area took it to Parliament and is trying to highlight the issue as a national one.

    I thought Dawn Primarollo brought the misuse of TVG legislation up in Parliament. In fact, I'm sure I've read she had.

    I also read that the legislation was under scrutiny to have major changes made to it. Anyone au fait with this?

    Maybe as long as Lansdown owns the land AV isn't off the agenda in the long run...

    • Like 1
  3. I know it has been on the news in fairly blanket coverage these past few days but i just think a non-football chat forum should always have a place to remember those who suffer through natural tragedies. A place where people can express their feelings and perhaps share a common thing we all share; humanity coming together to remember those who are suffering and those who are far less fortunate than ourselves.


    I am largely based in Cebu now and what I experienced today will stay with me for the rest of my life. While Cebu City, a metropolis of nearly 3 million was largely spared the might of Super Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda is the name here) those in the north of the island faired far worse. I experienced that today as i went north to assist in distributing medicine kits. I really cannot express in justifiable words here what i saw but it was utter devastation. But even northern Cebu, with countless lives lost was not so badly hit as Leyte and Samar provinces to the east where we have seen towns completely wiped out. Tagloban which is effectively the most easterly and last inhabited place in the Philippines and faces  the huge open ocean of the Pacific is more or less no more. A city of 300,000 people wiped from the face of the earth in a few short hours. People stood no chance. other provinces really hit hard were northern Negros and the periphery islands and northern most points of Palawan.


    Many places are still cut off from any communication and airlift and it will take days more for the full expanse of the destruction and death toll to be known. I hope you all have the means and opportunity to donate what you can to the Red Cross and Oxfam or just to spare a thought or say a prayer. Forgive me for not flying home this Christmas to see City play. I think i will stay here now and spend some of that money and some of my valuable time where it is more needed.


    Good effort, mate. Keep us updated.


    My donation - via the DEC appeal - has been made.

  4. Bobby Reid !! Sell sell sell!!! He has not yet had a season of first team football!!


    You can already see that Bob has a natural instinct. I think he'll be a fabulous player in 2-3 years. Even now, he holds his place on merit. 


    I doubt we'll get offers in Jan, so this discussion is hypothetical, but this lad could be central to City's squad in a few years.

  5. It would be ludicrous to issue lifetime bans (or have the police involved at all) for "offences" such as running onto the pitch or swearing.


    However, until I see what all these folk are charged with, and what the evidence is, I'll refrain from drawing the sort of sweeping generalisations some people on this thread have done.


    Anyone throwing objects or fighting in or near a football ground deserves a hefty banning order IMO.

  6. 53,000 Scousers meet in Anfield for a 'Scousers Are Not Stupid' convention.

    Steven Gerrard addresses the crowd.. 'We are all here today to prove to the world that Scousers are not stupid. Can I have a volunteer please?'

    Wayne Rooney gingerly works his way through the crowd and steps up to the stage.

    Gerrard asks him 'What is 15 plus 15?'

    After 15 or 20 seconds Rooney says, ' Forty!'

    Obviously everyone is a little disappointed. Then the Scousers start chanting 'Give him another chance! Give him another chance!'

    Gerrard says, 'Well since we have a capacity crowd, world-wide press and global broadcast media here, I think we can give him another chance.'

    So he asks, 'What is 5 plus 5?'

    After nearly 30 seconds he eventually says, ' Twelve?'

    Gerrard looks down and just lets out a dejected sigh.

    Everyone is disheartened and Rooney starts crying.

    But then the 53,000 Scousers begin to yell and wave their hands shouting, 'Give him another chance! Give him another chance!'

    Gerrard, unsure whether he is now doing more harm than good eventually says, 'OK then, what is 2 plus 2?'

    Silence hangs over the stadium.

    Rooney closes his eyes, and after a whole minute eventually says, 'Four?'

    Pandemonium breaks out throughout the stadium as the Scouse crowd stand to a man, wave their arms, stomp their feet and scream,

    'Give him another chance! Give him another chance!'

  7. Had one fox of a gf and I think he has another one now, maybe he isn't small in every department.

    Indeed, I expect his bank account is quite large - providing he didn't invest in the scheme he was trying to flog to others!

    As a player he had his limitations, but you had to admire his tireless running and commitment. The guy was always fired up - and that was why he clashed with the increasingly tyrannical GJ of course.

  8. Reluctant frustrated congratulations I suppose. City battled really well in midfield and nicked the ball off us time and again. Although some of your football wasn't the prettiest, it was certainly very committed and well-organised.

    I've got friends in Bristol and always enjoy the trip down there and visiting a few pubs around the city. So I certainly hope that you stay up and I think if you can play with that determination and discipline every week then you should have an excellent chance.

    Cheers. Appreciate that.

  9. I wasnt saying Lee Miller, or the other Wonderson era strikers were better than Baldock, but when needed they could n would get goals...currently it doesnt seem that way. bear in mind some of Wondersons choices were as eccentric as Del boys...

    The ones I said WERE better were the big four strikers, Bob, Wayne, Shaun & Andy, THEY are clearly better. Perhaps as I said Sam Baldock will indeed be greater.

    Fair enough, but it has to be said Miller only got 8 goals in 42 games for us and I was bloody glad when he left. Baldock has 9 in 20 games and could indeed join your legendary line-up if he's here long enough.

    I'm not defending the current administration or the stuff we've had to endure this season, but I'm sure we both can remember other times following this club when we felt like banging our heads against the wall in despair at some of the things we've seen.

    Maybe it just doesn't seem so bad because we were younger then - and paying less to watch football!

  10. Welsh:

    Orr: Played in the Premiership

    Taylor: Played in the Premiership

    Sebok: Played in the German Bundesliga


    Murray: Played in the Premiership

    Testemitanu: Over 50 International Caps


    Agostino: Played in German Bundesliga

    Cole: Played in Premiership

    Lita: Played in Premiership

    Even if you were to replace the three who didn't ever play at the top level with Heaton, Cunningham and Adomah I'd still settle for that over what we have overall at the moment.

    Some great players there defintely Robin, although I did say played for us at a third tier level.

    TBH I was more reacting against assertions that, for example, Lee Miller is superior to Sam Baldock. :huh:

    On a general point, one of the reasons we have posts along the lines of "it's never been worse here" is because of the nostalgia effect. We all get it. I always remembered the Goodies as hillarious, but when I rewatched a 70s episode recently I realised it was actually utter tripe.

    And so it is with football. I suspect if tinternet had been commonplace in times past, we could scroll back to threads posted in the Tinnion or Pulis or Osman eras saying "it's never been worse here".

  11. Has Keith Andrews found a club yet, he certainly knew where the back of the net was at MK Dons ( I hate saying that name) and Ipswich on loan. It's gota be worth a cheeky bid.

    Good shout. I was saying this the other evening in t'pub.

  12. Do we really know enough about either candidate to vote?

    McInnes - having great success in Scotland this season, but we are only talking Scotland here and he's an inexperienced manager.

    Robins - rescued Barnsley and Rotherham, but hardly scaled the tabble with the former. What he could do at a better resourced club remains to be seen?

    Two imponderables IMO.

  13. A whole host of players from Maradona to Keegan to Keane to *gulp* Osman have proved the sub-heading of this topic.

    Man management, the ability to inspire, the flexibility and courage to tear up plans and try something new, tactical nouse, immaculate contacts and a certain ruthlessness in being able to drop 'favourites' make a good manager.

    right now I'd settle for 2 of that list!

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