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Everything posted by Red-Robbo

  1. All about timing with The Goat. He had the most brilliant anticipation of when and where the ball was going to arrive into the box.
  2. Straight red. Violent conduct. Absolutely no need to make that contact. Refs never like to give cards as a rule in the first minutes of a match though, so get your cynical fouls in then, I say. Marley Watkins' Elbow will make a good forum name for a new Otib member incidentally....
  3. Could well be a County fan - especially as his grandfather and great-uncle played for them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percy_Mills_(footballer) Bigger side until the late 50s and even then, there was less of a 'mind the gap' in Nottingham football, until Clough transformed Forest.
  4. I suppose you could say McInnes has gone on to have a high-profile career in Scottish football management whilst Benny was successful after his City sojourn, in Scandinavia. It's far more common though for our club to be the graveyard of managerial careers however.
  5. I suppose Nigel's future depends on his state of health. Can't be much fun trying to coach when you're in chronic pain. He seems quite happily settled in the West Country and he has probably been around the block enough to see that managing your boyhood club is a shortcut to heartache.
  6. It's not been fit-for-purpose for yonks. Not the staff's fault, but you'd think the club would be keen to maximise its merchandise earnings and stock sufficiently for the Festive Season.
  7. I'll renew. The board and owner are idiots, but it's my club and always will be, so I support the team. If someone lends me a billion quid, I'll buy us.
  8. I sometimes used to drink at the Wimbledon one. It was of the vast variety with the old geezers at one end and the teenagers at the others.
  9. Yep. It's why there isn't a permanent post up on this forum, listing all the wanky things Swindon and Cardiff have done. Knowing that the Gas have lost always improves my day. Can't say I check up on other clubs as much.
  10. How could I have forgotten Wembley - and the Millennium Stadium! 31
  11. I'm a divorcee, so I get the kids every other weekend (and they aren't that interested in football) so that plus the fact I work a lot of weekends and have to be away from home for some of it, means my away match attendance is paltry. Also, I rather like Mrs R, so spending a weekend cuddled up to her, rather than being with a bunch of blokes in some grotty northern boozer, often appeals. Off the top of my head, I can only think of 29 grounds I've been to, some of which were not with City. When the kids have gone to university, I aim to up my game.
  12. Dickie is already a good early shout for player of the season.
  13. I'd expect he wants to get his health sorted out before he contemplates his future in football.
  14. Ideally someone with a fit Wells. With Wells out, we might try combinations with Weimann or even Sykes up there to partner our more conventional strikers.
  15. Prefer Naismith as a midfield distributer to be honest than in the back line. I definitely don't think playing one man up front works with any of the strikers we have at the club.
  16. I might have been tempted to start him up front with SB. Weimann got goals when playing as part of a front line, but expect him to drift in from wide midfield positions and he just looks bypassed by the game. His sprinting speed and continual running - he was always moving around the pitch when he first came to us - is declining with his age. But he knows where the goal is if he's in the position to see it.
  17. Ultimately, I don't see TC as a lone striker. He needs a counterfoil.
  18. Very much so, and if the game was dull and the initial set-up didn't work, that will have been as important for Manning to see than if we'd slaughtered them. This is ever the problem with changing managers mid-season: unless the departing figure was disliked or disrespected by the team - which Nigel wasn't - the new guy will take a while to get a feel for how the side ticks.
  19. Sets up a lot of the attacking moves for the likes of Conway and Bell to finish. Sometimes direct assists, sometimes by bringing and holding the ball near the opposition box for someone else to assist the goalscorer. Much more canny at keeping possession in those threatening positions than some of the youngr players.
  20. Avanti had grey seats last time I was on one. Mind you, I use the trains a lot less now than of yore.
  21. Good spot. That's a GWR carriage, not an Avanti West Coast one.
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