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Everything posted by Red-Robbo

  1. Uninteresting fact: that's a real pub in Whitstable, Kent. I used to live about 30 yards from it.
  2. Maybe rename the Rising Sun....
  3. You mean the Caribou Cup:
  4. I liked it when that bloke Otto Windscreens was the sponsor.
  5. *Irish voice* "I totally *English voice* agree *Irish voice again* with Nigel's departure"
  6. Kris is the local lad. Grew up in Wells. I'm claiming him for City. But we do need a detective on this case:
  7. Holden was a rookie, apart from a few months as a caretaker manager at Oldham, but Wade crashed and burned in his first job at Cheltenham. They were under him and still are truly woeful, but at least dog botherer has won a couple of matches since taking over.
  8. Uninspiring would be a massive understatement.
  9. Impact injuries will always happen in football, but their severity and recoverability can be improved by conditioning and fitness, as well as the way they are treated both on pitch and after games. And, to a degree, coaches can also try to get players to play in ways that minimise the likelihood of them being seriously hurt. I certainly don't have enough knowledge to say Dr Rennie and his team were not doing this, and I very much doubt Brian Tinnion or Jon Lansdown do either. It seems a very strange call.
  10. He could build for the future....
  11. Do you think at sentencing, the judge said "Bring out the gimp"?
  12. Blimey. It certainly seems, from the way Tinnion made reference to the situation, that the club are somehow blaming medical staff and coaches for the injuries we have acrued recently. Without me having to do anything as boring as research this, do you know how we compare to other clubs in the length of our sick list?
  13. Was Rennie sacked or did he walk over the removal of Pearson? It seems bizarre to remove the head of medical performance, unless you are somehow blaming him for the injury list. Are our injries worse than other Championship clubs at this stage if the season? Or does it just seem more of an issue due to the slenderness of the senior squad?
  14. I would like Roy to change his Twitter handle to Mystic Mug.
  15. I don't think Lampard will happen, because if the owner doesn’t want to release funds to ensure we have two experienced goalkeepers at the club, he probably won't want to release funds to pay a Lampard-sized salary to his manager (don't think Lamps would accept being "head coach"). But your post is spot on, especially this paragraph. I would hope Lansdown would have learned from his "marquee signing" of David James, that big names do not always equate with big success here.
  16. I'm not reading all that, but the title made me laugh.
  17. Back heels totally banned. Even if they lead to goals.
  18. Some people just love the drama of this..
  19. I guess when the new HC is appointed, we'll see just exactly how much of an ongoing role Brian actually has. I would imagine at some time a new CEO will also be appointed. Finding a decent one with football experience is probably tougher than finding prospective head coaches! My post was to agree with your contentions - made earlier and eminently sensible - that we have at least one person who has some knowledge of the game sitting in on coaching/managerial appointments. Some Otibers have persuaded themselves that BT is the devil incarnate already, but even were that so, he has at least played a bit. Be nice if they sought some independent football advice as well. Perhaps, had they done that a month or so ago, Nigel would still be here.
  20. TBH I have no problem with Lansdown wanting to eventually make money out of Bristol Sport: for most owners that's the dream. It's just if he thinks he can do that while we're a mediocre Championship side, he's off his rocker.
  21. You never know, it might open new markets for them...
  22. If it's Lampard I'll bare my arse in Burton's shop window.
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