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Everything posted by Red-Robbo

  1. Just a nice feeling, walking down Raynes Road - Ashton Road last game - having watched an entertaining game of football and we've won. Regardless of whether he gets us to the Prem, Nigel Pearson has created a side that is entertaining to watch. And he's done it with nuppence.
  2. We'll agree to disagree on that, because that wasn't what I saw. I saw Rhodes being passed to and, on one occasion, Vyner simply bypassed. All this before their sub intercepted his back pass and hit the inside post in a shot that seemed to defy physics to spin around and out.
  3. I think James had a pretty good game last night, but he just hasn't 90 intense minutes in him anymore. Odd to think, we had Wilbs doing it for us at this level aged 37, whereas Andy King looks like a pensioner at 33, James seems to blow after 70 minutes and Danny Simpson ran slower than I do now, at 34. Maybe they all burned themselves out at Leicester?
  4. I think he's the weakest of all our defenders, but at the moment he does a job. One thing I like about Vyner - just to show I'm not all about slagging a player off - is he carries an attacking threat. When he can get forward, he puts some great passes in, and can hit the odd goalbound thunderbolt himself.
  5. Actually, simply backpedalling for 20 ft and giving Thomas plenty of space wasn't good defending. He simply passed around him.
  6. Surprised at any of them doing their job. Last night, two blokes in the row in front of me walked past a steward to get to their seats openly holding pints. another bloke was so pissed he couldn't stand up and kept falling onto other people. His mate walked him to and from his seat.
  7. When you've driven the A406 from Hanger Lane to Brent Cross every day, the "slight whiff of Wembley" is indeed a stench you come to loathe... ?
  8. Vyner did play a feeble back pass and only the post saved his blushes. He seemed to spend most of the game running backwards whenever Sorba Thomas was advancing with the ball. Naismith at least isn't terrified to tackle. However, I do take people's point that KN always has a mistake in him and unfortunately, when you play in that position, mistakes often lead to your side conceeding. Against a better side, last night's clangers would have. He has to learn that discretion is the better part of valour, and sometimes an agricultural hoof upfield and into touch, is better than trying to retain possession when opponents are threatening.
  9. Agree. I thought there were some below par performance from some: Naismith nearly cost us twice, which would have more than undone his classy touches; Vyner likewise once, and unike Naismith seemed unable to pick out a red shirt; Scott never seemed to get into it; Williams and Martin were anonymous when they came on. Bents made a crucial save, but his distribution was wayward and at times dangerous. Positives were Wells, a rejuvenated JD and - of course - Semenyo. Man-for-man we're a better side than Huddersfield, yet we contrived to let them get to our box throughout the second half.
  10. For a lot of people, that would be the end of them buying a season ticket.
  11. The Barrow FC badge they are praising looks like something designed by a class of primary school kids.
  12. I thought he was pretty nifty - one of the fastest players we've had here for a long time - but as others have said, he'd not fit into a 2022 City squad. No need to denigrate the chap, or big him up for that matter, he had weaknesses in his game, but he was younger then and it's pure speculation to wonder whether they'd have been addressed had he stayed here and played for Pearson, or if we'd have released him in the 2021 great clear-out.
  13. A wise, but very sad decision. Let's hope Bakes stays in good health and can enjoy a decent second career. I'm sure every City fan wishes him all the best.
  14. No, but we'd assembled a team with most of the best players in that division: It was electrifying stuff. Cotts has had to cut his cloth to suit the Shrews more modest circumstances. If he plays for a point on the road and three at home, he'll be just using his resources to their best advantage.
  15. Red-Robbo


    TBH I would have been happier with Klose on the bench and coming on as a sub, than Andy King yesterday.
  16. To be fair, in his early introductions to the team, Antoine looked strong and aggressive and had many great qualities, but he missed some sitters and seemed scared to take a pop at goal, even when he was in a better position than the player he passed to. As many predicted, once he started chalking up a few, he gained confidence rapidly and now he's a massive attacking asset and in market terms, our most valuable player. I'll hold my hand up and say at one stage I wondered whether his future was as a forward midfielder rather than an out-and-out central forward. I think a fair few of us wondered that. But clearly the qualities he showed in training are now evident in competitive games and I'm very happy that he has evolved into the sort of player we'll be talking about for decades to come.
  17. A waste of a space on the bench AFAIC.
  18. Possibly, but I don't think anyone has been impressed by King on his appearances this season.
  19. Good for you. A match day is all the better if it's more than just the game, it's a day out and catch-up time with friends and family. I discovered when I was copying that Peep Show picture that you can now buy those Harpenden Harpenden Harpenden mugs. There's a potential present sorted out for someone!
  20. It didn't surprise me that he got sent off, although I think there was no intent to injure, just a mistimed determination to win back the ball having been fouled out of possession by Freeman seconds before. Freeman's reaction was violent conduct though all the day long, and he should've taken an early bath as well.
  21. Wouldn't even been given as a foul in the 80s.
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