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Everything posted by NcnsBcfc

  1. I'd add Dasilva into the list as well. He's not been the same since his injuries; and defensively he's been poor. Hence the rotating with Pring, and even Baker playing there.
  2. I think NP has looked at our squad, and seen a number of internationals; as well as former England U21s. These are not some 20-23 year olds on their first season in the Championship after moving up from L1 & L2. These are experienced professionals who are not applying themselves in any real effective way. The team sheet tomorrow should indicate who he is pointing the finger at. With Conway & Semenyeo probably on the bench, or possibly even starting, over the next two games, we'll have a better idea.
  3. If ever there was a team that has been hampered by FFP from getting to the PL then it is us. I admire SL's moral stance on upholding the principles of FFP (Alongside Gibson). But in doing so, another way of funding the club has had to be found. Cue the MA approach, that has not afforded any coach really the ability to build a squad over time; with the buy in bulk; and hopefully find a gem in there mantra. Whilst at the same time, selling the family silverware. He obviously sold SL on this what he would call a "Sustainable approach", probably mirroring the ideals of SL on making the club self sustaining in the future. In reality this was just another Football Ponzi scheme, that was doomed to failure over time. The fact that MA has gone to Ipswich, and immediately tried the same trick, says to me that he must be persuasive in his sales patter. The thing is in L1 there is no salary caps; so Owners for the time being can keep throwing good money after bad with a certain form of impunity. Once again, just like in 2012/13; the hierarchy have allowed over a period of time a rot to set in. NP is trying to restore some sort of equilibrium, but the whole club at the moment does have a feeling of being on the Titantic for the last few years (Great facilities, but fatally holed below the waterline, and gradually sinking). Whilst the powers at be are saying "Keep Calm, everyone; it'll all be fine". I still don't know really how we missed out on being relegated last season. The table from Jan onwards showed us in 24th place by a good ten points. It was obviously down to the first 6 games; but for that to come into play after 46 games; shows how poor we have been for the last year. This season's early good form that saw us in the dizzy heights of 9th at one stage, has given way to losing 6 of the last 8 games; and let's be honest being completely outplayed by a Barnsley side who hadn't won since August. How Cole missed that chance in the 93rd Minute in beyond me. There are no easy answers of course. We've dug a massive hole for ourselves, with a corporate structure that has a barely literate Chairman who would rather be in the West Indies. The new CEO seems like a good man, but in his last interview he came across as being caught in the hurricane somewhat; with no real answers as to what the plan is? Massive game tomorrow. We have to go onto that pitch and perform. Something that we haven't really done since the Fulham game. I know we've won at Peterborough since then as well as the Barnsley game. But we rode our luck in both those, against poor teams. At least we stood up to Fulham and matched them for parts of the game. Thankfully Mitrovic had an off day. One last point. I say this every week to @GrahamC when we sit together; as well as @CyderInACan; amongst other of course, so apologies. But can we please attack the South Stand in the first half, and then the Atyeo in the 2nd. It's a small change to make. But any side attacking a stand full of their own fans in the second half would get a lift. Particularly against a side that collapses as we do when we hit the 90 min mark. Onwards and Upwards......?
  4. I would. If you were ever in any trouble, and your laptop/computer was seized; it would be a big red flag that you have TOR/Proxy servers downloaded on it. Plus it's fair to say, you never quite know who you are dealing with on there; and who maybe monitoring you. Kendal Covid conspiracy brothers jailed for buying pistol - BBC News is a good recent example.
  5. Yep, everything.?? Other than Tammy, when was our last one? I think Reid got 19. Maybe Thorpe or Akinbiyi. EDIT : Forgot about Baldock in L1 (13-14?).
  6. I've had to use it at work. It is by far and away the most bizarre thing i have ever seen. You can literally buy anything, and i mean anything on it. From Drugs to guns(machine guns, grenades etc), to child pornography. All paid for in crytocurrency( so untracable) and delivered to you door. It's a whole different side to the world that most people knew existed. It is the modern day matrix.
  7. Decisions at left back as well. JD hasn't been great defensively at all; and whilst Pring is probably a better defender; he can't seem to last longer than 60 or so minutes; before the inevitable substitution. @JonDolman did a really good analytical piece on how dysfunctional we are at the moment. But for me, we have to get back to defending properly; and not conceding such soft goals; not easy when we still haven't really recruited any quality in the full back positions for years. Not sure how they thought a 20 year old L2 player, could make the step up into a struggling Champ side. He can improve of course in time, but the Champ is an unforgiving league; and he's been part of the side, that in the last 6 weeks have fallen off a cliff somewhat. Martin looks like he could do with a break as well. But of course, it's only him and Weimann that have been scoring. Tough decisions ahead. We badly need a much improved team performance (or even better a win ) against Blackburn.
  8. Good to see Williams back, we've badly missed him. He made a huge difference with his desire at Peterborough away. No mention of Kalas (possibly injured). It also looks like Atkinson is a last minute call. Simpson or Vyner at rb then, hmm... Brereton Diaz is going to have a field day there. Not sure what changes he can do at the moment? Conway on the bench for sure. Where else?
  9. We need to unmerge these topics as soon asap though. My brain is certainly getting confused now. @TomF
  10. Can we not just park outside your house? Works for me.?
  11. Thank you, I'm not going mad then.....?
  12. Is this for the Lansdown "taken as far as we can " thread or another "Nige is back one"??
  13. Completely agree Tony, it all feels very stale now. It's almost as if the Lansdown era has run it's course; and the Sports village was the last opportunity to grind out some money out of the situation. The thing with the necessary change though, is how can it happen whilst the Sports village is going through the required planning application/building phase? Any new owner would probably have to keep the project running in order for everybody concerned to make their money out of it. So any potential buyer of Bristol City would have to recompense SL's shares, then pay for the building fixtures/fittings (AG,HPC); then possibly the Sports Village. Would they have to buy Bristol Sport as well? Rugby/Basketball all the other minor sports under that umbrella. I can't image the Lansdown's going ahead with the Sport's village if the football club isn't tied into the package. The whole thing feels so unwieldy at the moment; and that we've taken our focus off what is happening on the pitch with the team. Really it should be the team's success that it the momentum for upgrading stadia/training facilities/Sports villages. Just feels more like asset building at the moment.
  14. Yep, what was he basic wage per year? Something like 500k wasn't it? No doubt he'll have some bonus/incentive structure in place as well. No surprise that after gaining our first profit in 20+ years (basically down to accounting the Kelly money in with the Webster one); he walked. He knew he would never be able to recreate what he had done during the last 4/5 years, as the cupboard was now bare; and the gamble on the 60 players; hadn't paid off. It's amazing that he is trying the same thing at Ipswich now, isn't it? something like 20 players bought in the summer. With no salary caps in place, L1 is obviously the place to try it now. He must do a wonderful Powerpoint presentation to the heirachy.
  15. The thing about it being Lansdown' money is that all the equity that SL has put into the club, has been converted into shares, that are owned by him It's not the Mel Morris case at Derby, where the whole pack of cards has come falling down, and he's lost a fortune. If SL was to walk away/sell the club; then the £150m that he has invested (then converted into shares) would be recompensed by the buyers. He's certainly not going down the Eddie Davies at Bolton route, of writing off £125m worth of loans. I admire Lansdown's determination to upgrade AG, and the Failand facility. But he is no mug when it comes to finances. Any loss made by the club, will not of impacted on his own finances/wealth. You just offset the loss against other companies operating under the Pula/Bristol City stadium Holdings banner, and any loan to cover that loss; is converted into yet more shares. Those shares will get cashed out at some later stage i'm sure; one way or another.
  16. @Kid in the Riot Some interesting points, but like others have asked, what article are you referring to in the Athletic? I think it's a classic case with the Lansdowns of a businessman, who probably doesn't know that much about football trusting the wrong people to invest on his behalf. That article that showed we had recieved the most in player sales in the EFL (£75M+), but rather than invest in 15 quality players, we bought 60 mediocre ones in an attempt to generate future income. In the process, we have sold the family silver (I know some of the players wanted to leave), and have invested in something akin to a dodgy timeshare investment. Unlike other owners in the Champ, Lansdown can't bring himself to push the moral boundaries of FFP. Probably more down to his personal ethics, than a business decision. If you look at the clubs that haven't had parachute payments, and got up to the PL, then there's probably only a few that haven't gambled financially. I just can't see us doing that. The whole Bristol Sport set up is probably more of a hindrance than benefit to City. The infrastructure of the club means that to spin it out on it's own, would make the whole concept unsustainable. Rugby/basketball, wouldn't really work on their own. Would any interested party also have to buy the whole Sports village plans? Once again a massive potential investment, that might not be in their future plans. For me, what is the point spending £60m+ on a ground upgrade, training facilities; and then a Sports Village in the future, when the main attraction on the pitch gets relegated? Tough decisions in Jan i think. Relegation would set us back a number of years, and knock tens of millions off any purchase price. But this team at the moment is only going in one direction, and has been for a number of years. Thank you ?, but as you say probably needs a cut and paste by someone with a subscription.
  17. I was at WBA, and saw the bang to the back of the head that Baker got from Bentley. At the Barnsley game Atkinson also got a massive blow to the back of the head from Woodrow via Kalas doing his usual Superman impression. Unlike Baker who was down for 10 mins, and needed Oxygen, before a somewhat farcical St John's ambulance stretcher off. Atkinson played on, even after taking a bad blow to his ankle; and of course did just enough to put Cole off his header in the last 93rd minute. There is a great defender in Baker (you can't make the amount of appearances he has over the seasons, without having something about you). However there's already been a couple of injury lay offs for him this season already. It's clear that Vyner isn't up to the job at present, Moore is persona non grata, and we are weak in the CB cover area. I know Concussion is a difficult thing, but didn't Kalas get a broken jaw; and still come back a few weeks later. Baker has been out for nearly a month already. The injuries have mounted up over the last 6 weeks, and our lack of depth due to the smaller squad has really come back to bite us. Interesting decisions to be made in the Jan window i think.
  18. Absolutely Jon. Playing Pring means that one of our substitutions is already made at the start of play (between 60-70 mins generally), and therefore restricts our flexibility. It came back to bite us against Bournemouth, when King went off injured. I think it's only the Peterborough game that he's been able to last the full 90 mins whilst starting. Unless there is an underlying health/injury condition; there seems to be no reason why he continually blows up around the hour mark.
  19. And let's not forget the requisite Palmer opportunity to play himself into the reckoning for Saturday ?
  20. I think it's fair to say that Bristol Rovers Women don't necessarily play in the most taxing of leagues. Fair play to Frampton Rangers Ladies for giving them a run for their money i suppose.
  21. Absolutely @Davefevs My earlier post was just stating that even before his current Covid related illnesses, NP had some underlying health concerns. I fear it will be a while yet until until he is back. Some of RG's points over the last couple of weeks point towards the club's hand being forced somewhat by results.
  22. I'm sure that when NP was interviewed back in February after taking the job, he was asked if he had been approached back the previous summer when DH was appointed. I believe his response was something along the line he had been ill, and hospitalised then due to "Rheumatism?". I might have remembered that wrong. Ultimately even before he got Covid, he obviously has a number of underlying health conditions that have been exacerbated by either having Covid twice or like Cotterell still suffering from the first bout. He's not a well man, that's for sure. I do wonder whether the club & NP together will have to take a pragmatic approach over the next few weeks over his position. A lot will decide on the Blackburn & Stoke games. We have to arrest the slide we're on; and unfortunately can't afford to having a manager off on sick leave with no apparent return in sight. If we can get a result(or even a point) in both those games (yeah, i know unlikely the way we're playing at the moment), then possibly Fleming covering for NP in the next month or so won't be catastrophic. Lose both, and the pressure will really be on to make a decision.
  23. Injuries are killing us now. I know NP wanted a smaller squad to work with; but we look so so weak across the board at the moment.
  24. I knew you would start a thread??
  25. I got my two yesterday. A good day out at least in front of a big crowd. 490 left now. Will sell out in next day or so, I'm sure.
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