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Everything posted by steviestevieneville

  1. Irrelevant really because it was all we could do at the time. We didn’t have a separate stand that we have now .
  2. I can’t see how. Bigger grounds I’ve been to watching city , Villa . Separate entrance & bars, toilets. Sunderland similar newcastle , completely separate entrances /exits & bar toilets. Probably built for this . logistically very different for us.
  3. I get it. I would be in favour of it but it’s not going to happen . It’s not just putting away fans somewhere else. It’s bars/consessions & toilets . Are there bars , toilets where they’d put them ? If not they have section some off for them . Not going to happen. The ground revamp was rebuilt just for home fans . The atyeo is 30 years old . If our fans were put back in there then they’d moan the bars were shit.
  4. That would cost much would it , When we’ve got a ready made separate stand
  5. The only place you could put away fans so they couldn’t create much of an atmosphere would be upper Lansdown , atyeo end. It’s too difficult & expensive to police , when we’ve got a self contained end we can put them in. Fans can moan all they want but it’s not going to happen.
  6. We’ve got a unique ground with the horseshoe concourse for home fans . I don’t know if any other grounds are set up like that. It’s easier to police like I said. Away fans enter from one entrance & are contained. perhaps if little coked up ***** thinking their some sort of ultras firm didn’t gather in E34 acting like bellends then they wouldn’t need to be policed.
  7. Don’t know why people keep going over this. The club doesn’t care about atmosphere . The Atyeo is a separate stand . No need for segregation & much easier& cheaper to police. It’s never going to change
  8. Because it has a massive knock on effect right through the football pyramid . Surely you can see that
  9. I don’t disagree . If it does happen though , I think the premier league will shit itself if it thinks the so called “big” 6 will go & bow down to them . That will result in again too many games & a watering down or scrapping of the league & F.A cups . At the heart of all this is eufa & fifa not being fit for purpose .
  10. It will as a lot of them are owned by yanks. They want a closed shop
  11. If this rears its head again . You can see the Saudis getting involved to fund it . I’m totally against it . However fifa & uefa are corrupt beyond belief. Infantino is worse than blatter because he’s pretty brazen about it. I really wish the top nations would have the balls to walk away from fifa , but they won’t. The game’s got out of hand . What with this world club cup expansion. There’s no consultation , they just do it.
  12. He does seem to have had his wings clipped . Shame our illustrious leader didn’t have the football knowledge to do that here.
  13. Lansdowns are part of the problem ! on field football decisions are the fault of the lansdowns full stop. Decades of shite football decisions .
  14. His position may become a bit deeper with Nahki fit now.
  15. Bit short sighted though , although I get any new manager would want his own back room staff . The rennie sacking was ridiculous imo . Saying that , SL couldn’t chuck the bloke under a bus if he’d kept him on .
  16. I genuinely don’t get the low sock thing anyway. Grealish does it because the socks are so tight he can’t get them over his massive calves. Most of the players that copy him have legs like pipe cleaners . I know, I’m getting old
  17. He’s played there a few times now. If manning wants to go 3 at the back , he’s definitely a option there when mcrorie’s fit
  18. Much more eloquent & patient way of explaining it than I could . Throw away comments he makes just rile me. Shows a complete lack of understanding
  19. Did he leave or was he sacked ? Seemed like a solidarity thing from him when nige was sacked. Always come across as a good bloke & coach . Good luck to him
  20. It’s going to be interesting to see if the new wage budget will be extended & some of the nest egg used next month . Manning was asked last week what part of the pitch he was looking to strengthen & he did hint on midfield & forward positions. If they’re going to be better than we already have then it’ll cost . He also mentioned we needed more depth , which we do . So can’t see anyone leaving
  21. Well I think it every time you post
  22. I don’t need to you’re chatting shite as usual
  23. Swap Naismith or James for TGH with Sykes right side yes. I don’t see how Sykes could be left out
  24. They’re good players for the budget though. The days of spending £8m on centre halves are gone. We’re not going to get players I.E that Sunderland have in Robert’s or Clarke
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