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Bob Turnip

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Everything posted by Bob Turnip

  1. Went to Root at Wapping Wharf at the weekend. Mainly vegatarian small plates (tapas style), with a couple of meet/fish dishes, but don't let that put you offf - superb food and nice location/views. Agree about Pasture and Little French - very good. And 7 Lucky Gods for the Korean Chicken alone!
  2. Animal corona type virus's have been observed in animals including bats for years. Plus it's been observed and reported that a lot of chinese practises risk the mutation of the virus enabling it to infect humans. A ticking time bomb were the words used I think. I have no idea what presure was applied following this but so can't comment on that. Do you not think the Chinese goverment should have acted? Whilst the risk was known, the particular strain and it characteristics could not be, so not sure how we could have prepared? What would you have done? I'm not sure I believe we can assess who has managed it well at this point. Should, as suspected, the virus be a result of chinese practises, I would hope they are dealt with accordingly and the goverment forced to deal with the risks the behaviour of some of it's people cause. Why wouldn't you try and prevent re-occurances?
  3. It's not jumping the gun though is it. It's reacting to the information (or lack of) provided at the time.
  4. I assume because we have no imunity. Therefore it will spread to more people, meaning more vunerable people will get it, meaning a lot more of them will die.
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