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Posts posted by oldstandrobin

  1. Settled in my chair to watch this match on Robins TV. Curry, beer and then first half of half decent play from us. Second half................well...................nearly finished a half bottle of scotch now. Weimann... stupid to let that free kick happen. Williams.......enough said. Korey, frustration at it's highest. SL..............IT'S TIME TO ACT NOW before you lose the faith of us fans.

  2. 17 hours ago, OldlandReddies said:

    Dont think anyone is gambling with anyone's lives. We've been kept in for 7 weeks now which is an extraordinary amount of time and it's fine its job of helping the NHS cope. We now need to get back to normality as soon as we can without going overboard. If we extend lockdown further then this country will sink. Boris Johnsons doing the right thing for all of us going forward.

    Virus has gone then has it OR ? On one side I have a PA to a Surgeon in Royal Devon and Exeter who says we must stay a while longer or risk a major second spike  and down the road a friend is a Nurse in a Nursing Home and also Wells Hospital and had her 23rd person die on her yesterday !!!

    • Like 3
  3. 18 minutes ago, Abraham Romanovich said:

    Hopefully some good will come out of this crisis and football will take a long hard look at itself and how it operates.

    All clubs should ban fees to agents ,if players feel the need to employ them they can sort out their commission.

    Every club in each division should employ a salary cap based on previous seasons revenue .

    Every club should field at least 4 UK players under 23.

    All 92 clubs should have equal representation on all decisions and if the PL don't like it they can **** off and join some super European league.  

    At the end of all this there will be a big period of reflection in football and society in general and the realisation that things should not return to normal as there are so many issues which require reevaluation

    Exactly my feelings AR. Being talking to friends on social media and the one thing to come out of it is the ridiculous amounts of money one man gets for playing a game with a ball for 90 minutes. There will be unemployment and possibly a world recession when this is over so can you honestly pay a footballer £350.000 a week when others will be surviving on a pittance. I am one of those who have had no real interest in PL, Bundesliga etc as Bristol City have been my reason for watching football and even when I see how much some of our players are on , it makes the whole game seem surreal. Of course I want them to play in the Prem but at any cost ??

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  4. 16 hours ago, Blackbird1 said:

    The whole corona virus makes no sense, 100'000's of good people dying because a Nation cannot be bothered to control their meat / fish markets, the issue here is not football, not this season or even next season, not until we have this virus under some sort of control, as we surely have to have the Chinese held accountable. Not as if this is the first time these viruses have eminated from China, and as long as the W.H.O sit on their hands and do nothing it will happen again and again.

    I love and miss my football as much as anyone, but football, and all sport is just so irrelevant at the moment.   

    Totally agree. It is being put on the back burner at present but when this is all over, they should be come down on with harshness that will ensure this NEVER happens again.

    I don't mind admitting that nearly every day, I shed a tear about the waste of human life that is going on at the moment that has been started by the way one country has just ( in our opinion) flouted health rules and started this pandemic.

    As you say this isn't the first time but we must as a world ensure it is the last.

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  5. Just had this from an ex military colleague of mine:

    I'll tell you a tale, that's been recently written,
    Of a powerful army, so Great it saved Britain,
    They didn't have bombs and they didn't have planes,
    They fought with their hearts and they fought with their brains,
    They didn't have bullets, armed just with a mask,
    We sent them to war, with one simple task,
    To show us the way, to lead and inspire us,
    To protect us from harm and fight off the virus,
    It couldn't be stopped by our bullet proof vests,
    An invisible enemy, invaded our chests,
    So we called on our weapon, our soldiers in Blue,
    "All Doctors, All Nurses, Your Country needs you"
    We clapped on our streets, hearts bursting with pride,
    As they went off to war, while we stayed inside,
    They struggled at first, as they searched for supplies,
    But they stared down the virus, in the whites of its eyes,
    They leaped from the trenches and didn't think twice,
    Some never came back, the ultimate price,
    So tired, so weary, yet still they fought on,
    As the virus was beaten and the battle was won,
    The many of us, owe so much, to so few,
    The brave and the bold, our heroes in Blue,
    So let's line the streets and remember our debt
    We love you, our heroes,
    Lest we forget

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  6. 2 minutes ago, pillred said:

    Read the effin post properly, he said he boycotted spoons because of the Brexit vote not for what he has recently done that's what it's got to do with Brexit he had already boycotted the place before this if you had read what he said you would have realised that.

    Sorry your lordship, forelock tugging you are obviously getting stir crazy already pal, try and calm down if yo

    u dont like others opinions

  7. 7 minutes ago, RedorDead BCFC said:

    What hope have we got ? or are they all macho men the virus wouldn't touch !!!!!!! these people are putting yours and my families life at risk, see references to Germany's figures and I bet this wont be happening there

  8. 14 minutes ago, And Its Smith said:

    We have numpties surrounding us all, i'm 69 and certainly have not had all my life, what is she on about FFS ? dont tar us all boomers with this stupid woman's mentality. I want to run round AG at the age of 100 with the Premiership Trophy, see my grandsons play for the City, and still chat up the chicks when I am in my nineties. I am observing every rule re isolating, so we had a wet winter, I live in a Static and if anyone needs space, the missus and I do !! I had a cancer scare last year and that is all it was so I appreciate life. Hopefully this stupid woman is in a minority like the idiots spitting in police officers faces and torching delivery vans.


    1 minute ago, oldstandrobin said:

    scroll up to see my post !!!



  9. 42 minutes ago, Crackers Corner said:

    There needs to be a list put together of companies who mistreat Thier employees during this outbreak. 

    Could not agree more. I was a publican for 10 years and hated this chain and don't have any time for their owner. This is a National Emergency and treating the people who work for you like this is despicable and shows him in his true colours. Needs people to be strong after this is over and support their local ( if they are still open) but be assured as a Barrister he will creep and slither around trying to get his customers back.

    • Like 2
  10. Just had confirmation that it isn't the young that won't heed advice. Although retired I have a business selling pre-owned Mobility Scooters. Just had an elderly customer on the phone with a problem with his. Wanted to bring it up to me to look at. Told him couldn't see him due to the new rules. He hasn't been watching the TV and got quite irate about it !! Said the Golf Club was open yesterday but as I told him, that was yesterday. Then said he must get it sorted as he wants to get out and about and play golf. Incredible

    • Sad 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Davefevs said:

    That is the concern...still too blasé (selfish) imho.  Last night’s pub openings wasn’t a final opportunity for a mass get together, it was just to give those businesses a small window to react.  I’m not gonna mention Tim Martin....arghhh (okay, I just did)!!

    I’m sat here with a vulnerable child and as a result we are self-isolating as a family....for 12 weeks.

    Why can’t (some) people see the seriousness of this?

    [are you RedDave in disguise?]

    All the best Dave I take a special needs 15 year old girl to Baytree School in Worle from Draycott. Last week her mother decided to keep her home as she has many underlying problems and we applauded that even though we would lose pay from Somerset CC. Baytree closed Wednesday and since the Government have now closed schools from yesterday, we will be paid while she is off, so the pressure on us financially  has been lifted somewhat but if we didnt get paid I had the option of Pension Credits.

    People like yourself have massive respect from me because daily I see children who sadly are disabled and are vulnerable members of society.

    Since this problem started getting worse we have witnessed selfish people who should hang their heads in shame because their little worlds have to change for a while ( how upsetting !!)


    Best of luck mate and see you in 12 weeks at the other end, just as missus and I go to Corfu on hols ?

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  12. 11 hours ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    Surely it takes a while for measures to feed through though? 

    Thinking of London specifically. We only saw people really stop coming to work last week. We're a bit behind the curve. 

    One particular concern I have is rich Londoners fleeing to second homes...given London is a, maybe the, hotspot here, this risks spreading it quite big.

    Stick up a police cordon on the M5 just south of Clevedon......if they speak like Arfur Daley or have Arsenal/Tottenham/ Chelsea/ Millwall/Brentford etc furry dice hanging from rear view mirror, send em back ome. Spoken in jest Mr P as they will go into self iso and its only their butlers will be mingling with others down here. 

  13. 9 hours ago, bpexile said:

    Agreed, Nans are very special, I've been married to one for 48yrs & I can't imagine what our 2 children, 5 grandchildren & myself would do without her. Our deepest condolences & thoughts go to Marcus & his family & he's correct in saying that football is of no importance when it comes to matters like this.

    bp, same here, 48 years, 2 kids and 5 grandkids, They are VERY special

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