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Everything posted by Superjack

  1. To be fair, it's usually their last game if they lose.
  2. The nest egg needs both rooms now.
  3. Well,it would. Because he is a lot worse than the guy we have. Not that I would be interested, in the event.
  4. Oh right, I see. You are talking about the Cardiff game. Fair enough. I was talking about who would be in charge for it.
  5. I hope you are right. 'Waiting for a defeat' is what I fear. Because here it is.
  6. I don't think the 'lacking ambition bollocks' is aimed at Nige or the players. In fact I know it isn't. It's aimed higher up at people who spout ambition but do **** all to support it.
  7. He explained in the pre match presser that the weekend was nothing personal.
  8. Shit. I didn't realise anyone still had the footage.
  9. Honestly the best analogy that I have seen on here.
  10. I have a mate that can get his hands on a JCB if you like...
  11. We could go to see the Seagulls. Or Bristol Manor Farm. It would be an honour to 'thank' you in person.
  12. I respect that. But when the same side comes out from the same people in multiple stories, you surely have to wonder whether it is a true story.
  13. I will reply to this one. I am indeed bereft. I have followed this football club since the 80's, and very rarely in those 40+ years has any manager given me REAL belief. I can name the ones that have. Cooper, Jordan, Johnson Senior (although I never took to him), Cotterill. Now we have another. But Pearson doesn't just give me belief that he can build a path to the promised land. It's much, much more than that. Because none of the other names that I have lauded had to put right such a mess (created by the people in charge), whilst at the same time slashing the wage bill, promoting youth to the first team and frankly being given the bare minimum of support from above. And all this while the clowns upstairs talk of promotion. And having done all that, plus turning youth into multi-million pound sales, he gets the taps turned off. You can dress it up any way you like. But it is obvious to anybody who cares to look, that the Lansdowns do not like Pearson. So. We ask ourselves the question why. And in our research we look at other managers that they have fallen out with. And then we can only come to the conclusion that this pattern has nothing to do with results on the field or any ability to do the job and give the support base licence to dream, but more to do with the hierarchies insistence on adulation, subservience and the ability to interfere beyond their skillset (whatever THAT is). I hope this answers your question. Best wishes.
  14. He/She can't even explain her own argument, Dave. Never mind anyone elses
  15. I am angry at the 'club'. More so than I have ever been. Please don't reply to any of my posts in the near future, as I do not wish to be angry at individuals. Thank you.
  16. Well, this is catastrophic. For me particularly. It seems that for the first time since I was knee high to a bar stool, I am going to have to terminate my support of what was once a wonderful football club. At least until this family of charlatans have departed.
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