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Everything posted by 22A

  1. Oh Dear; http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/10544/update-colony-training-facility?page=8 they are now attacking each other worse than we do. Pretty shrewd dealings in the transfer market kept us solvent for 20 years. And they acquired a piece of real estate for 2.5m now probably worth 15m. Dunford and higgs were only modestly wealthy compared to the al qadi's. The new owners have invested nothing. Why buy a football club that needs a new stadium when you aren't prepared to invest the necessary funds to build one. But they are if you take your blinkers of your horse head Keep believing it, when all the evidence suggests otherwise. All they have done so far is given us a loan secured on our only asset. May as well have gone to a bank....oh wait a minute!!! And then Southvillegas blasphemed; The question is will we always remain at our tinpot and poxy stadium? Wael and his family certainly have the money to redevelopment the Mem, certainly more than Higgs and Dunford. Bristol City and Southampton are light years in front of us in terms of infrastructure.
  2. A new classic in the making; http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/10566/car-park-:laugh: "Old friend" Henburygas started it; "So what are all the film crews doing at the mem ? Got to be the new Stadium plans announcement !"" Subsequent replies from fellow gasheads make fun of HG and his post!
  3. Let's be fair to the Rovers though; An away win at a team in a higher division is worth celebrating (as we are). Was it round two last season when City won at Fulham?
  4. Don't forget Groundforce to sort out the pitch.
  5. Why do Rovers fans use the acronym FTG? Unionists in Northern Ireland use FTP to mean F(obscenity) The Pope, so surely FTG simply replaces the Pope with the Gas?
  6. It's just you! In boxing the Ref can stop the fight "to avoid further punishment" if required. Pity the Umpires can't award this game to England now on Day Three.
  7. "It's just a small step to put 2 and 2 and 2 together and come up with the amount of fingers on my right hand" six?
  8. No, no! We do not want them to die, just continue in their current, or an even worse vein. Think of all the bad times in your life; then you'ld look across to Eastville / Twerton / the Mem and see what the team are doing or the fans saying and "things could be worse for me".
  9. I agree with you 100%. However I can imagine the gas trying it on. I'll leave it to you to then visualise how things would pan out in the following years.
  10. Neville Road isn't too far from Muller Road and it would permit the ground to be used 52 weeks a year with gas & Glos sharing infrastructure costs such as Rates and upkeep of the facilities.
  11. I'm surprised at that many PUFC fans. On Tuesday night they watched their team lose 3-1 at home to Barnet in the League Cup. Just a thought and using gas logic. Last week P'boro' beat Plymouth 2-1. City then beat Plymouth 5-0. Therefore that equates to City seven - gas one?
  12. Attention all gasheads! If you decide to stay the night when Rovers are away to P'boro'; only ten minutes drive away from London Road is the MARRIOTT Hotel.
  13. Many years ago someone posted on here that any time Rovers get anything of value, they sell it. Harry Dolman had two season tickets for the Rovers and he was invited to join their board. At the first meeting he attended, they were discussing selling their own Eastville Stadium to the dog racing company and then renting it back. HD told the meeting that a club should always own it's own ground and selling Eastville would be a mistake. The then Rovers board told him with thinking like that he'd be better off at Ashton Gate, the rest is history. It cannot be proven now, but make of this what you will. I've read that after BRFC sold Eastville, the Director's car park suddenly sported several Rolls Royces.
  14. The news almost daily shows areas of land near large centres of population that is available for redevelopment. It won't cost a bomb either; (that's already been dropped).
  15. Reality is now biting. Fair play to these three posters for going against the party line (and probably upsetting other gasheads with their comments. http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/10390/planning-action Nobbygas:- We are not going to get a new stadium, ever. Get used to it. Harleygas:- Time to let go and concentrate on the mem that's why wael been tidying up the mem so the dreams over. Been sold down the river once again soon back too 5000 gates and sh!t pasties Yategas:- A sh** time to be a Gashead!
  16. On a serious note; after the tackle that led to the sending off; the Rovers' number three grabbed one Charlton player around the neck and shoved two others in the back. yes it was a reaction to what many would call a dangerous tackle, but surely that behaviour should have punished as well?
  17. What a difference a day 90 minutes make. http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/10394/charlton-bristol-rovers-matchday-thread started with "I'm thinking a 2-3 win for Rovers today, with one of the new boys getting on the scoresheet" and "1-2 win for the gas with Gaffers and Bodin to score". By page 18 however; http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/10394/charlton-bristol-rovers-matchday-thread?page=18 "Absolutely sh*te. You dont mind losing against the better team. But when you play against 10 men for basically 90 minutes and put in a performance like that it is unacceptable. Ellis and Broom just not good enough, I would seriously consider dropping Brown(He's been a loyal servent) but his final ball and crossing is awful. Hopefully the new lad from Stoke will hit the ground running. It might just be a knee jerk reaction, we're always sh*t on the opening day aren't we? But that was dire". Then guess what; they became the victims (again). "I was right behind goal about 6 rows back had a perfect view and 100 percent think the linesman got it wrong for the goal. Typical of our luck. Once they had a lead they did everything they could to slow the game down and played for free kicks. Lots of time wasting and sitting on the floor "injured" towards the end but only 4 minutes added time. A shame but if the lino got the decision right instead of taking a guess it may well have been a different game" and "Doesn't look a goal to me. How the linesman was confident the whole ball crossed is anyone's guess. Smith doesn't reach back to grab it either, strange decision. I also thought it wasn't a free kick to start with, Sinclair stood off Holmes and he went down rather easy".
  18. Where else would they put them?
  19. Remember how they referred to the Ashton Vale proposal as "Lansdown's Folly"? In future will UWE be referred to by we City fans as "the Pipe Dream Arena"?
  20. Over on gaschat some of yesterday's delusional threads have been replaced by realism being accepted that there will be no new stadium and their owner isn't investing any of his money in the club. I feel sorry for the realists over there as they are fellow football fans who are witnessing their club / dreams fading before their eyes. Obviously I have no sympathy for the deluded majority who think good things & times are just round the corner.
  21. http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/10298/liking-odds-bookies-giving optimism still flowing well. 6-1 for promotion www.oddschecker.com/football/english/league-1/promotion4-1 for play offs www.oddschecker.com/football/english/league-1/to-make-the-playoffs sh** odds,would rather do Blackpool 33's Gary bowyer good manager and stupid odds if we can bring in those 4 quality players then I'd like our chance a bit more. bit light atm. Then came two voices of reason! 20/1 is a fair price but realistically are we THAT much stronger than last season right now if at all? The league is more competitive too. At the moment we will finish similar to last season I feel but these next few signings could push us on. "if we can bring in those 4 quality players then I'd like our chance a bit more. bit light atm". - In our dreams. The clueless one seems to be struggling with recruitment.
  22. I always said they were a right shower.
  23. I assume FGR won yesterday's game as there is no "Official FGR v Bristol Rovers" thread. Instead one complaining about treatment of fans and another complaining about the catering. However, gasp, shock, horror, the 2nd post on page 5 of the "Vegan Rovers" thread is a post calling for debate rather than abuse! http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/10284/vegan-rovers-gas?page=5 First time I've been on here for a few days and it's just the same kind of School play ground crap that was on here last time.I used to use this forum because I could find out things about our club that I probably couldn't from the official club website and there were interesting debates that I felt I could get involved in but those days seem to be gone now.Shame. To have a proper debate you have to argue your case against opinions you don't agree with but there are many on here that simply hurl abuse at anyone with alternative opinions. All opinions however unpalatable should be heard and argued with or against to make the forum work properly in my view.
  24. I see they've signed Sweeney & Godden. I immediately thought of City's Gerry Sweeney and Godden the WBA keeper. Both retired from playing over 30 years ago, but would be right for the gas. But no, it's a pair of current players with illustrious surnames.
  25. Correct. Just like in Athletics etc, the best can only get to be so good. All those below them gradually catch up. This leads to records rarely being broken and upsets no longer being upsets.
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