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Everything posted by Lrrr

  1. I'd be interested in a rule where if a game is disrupted by weather (going by Vaughan's statistic any game losing 24 overs will likely be a draw) then those overs must be made up on a 5th day.
  2. Vaughan put something on twitter that apparently the average test lasts 336 overs, just under 4 days of full play. Could mean more interesting declarations potentially.
  3. Good that Somerset are making it publicly known they're prepared to go all the way over this, clear message sent to the ECB. I'm starting to think more that we'll be told by the ECB they've decided its best that county cricket went back to 9 teams in each division.
  4. http://www.espncricinfo.com/story/_/id/20987479/middlesex-appeal-heard-says-ecb
  5. Would think this will be Somerset's case if ECB even seriously consider the appeal
  6. 'The crossbow incident at The Oval meant Middlesex were denied the chance to improve their over-rate in the remainder of the final session' THEY WERE ******* BATTING! HOW THE **** DO YOU IMPROVE YOUR OVER RATE WHILE BATTING! Apologies for the caps
  7. Because that doesn't help the media with news stories. Can tell by the fact of how the footage was cut first time round. If in trouble anyway, in for a penny, in for a pound.
  8. You'd expect given the footage of him kicking a guy on the floor.
  9. Warner claimed Root was making fun of Amla so interjected himself into the situation that wasn't about himself or teammates.
  10. Surely Hales wouldn't be in that report because he's already suspended?
  11. I'd imagine as he's not part of the ODI squad?
  12. True, flip side you could say was that Warner's punch was unprovoked. Guess I'd just believe until found guilty he should be allowed to continue as normal, as long as the police don't restrict his passport he should be allowed to go to Aus. If the guilty verdict comes back, fine throw the book at him.
  13. Supposedly all out on the same night as the Stokes incident just weren't with Stokes and Hales when it happened.
  14. Two events both on nights out where each person has punched someone, Root would have been perfectly within his rights of going to the police. Both claim to have been defending someone else over their actions.
  15. Difference between England and Aus, England withdraw Stokes from ashes squad and Warner punches Root and only gets suspended for a few games so he's back in time for the ashes.
  16. When I read the title I honestly thought someone had accidentally uploaded it 6 months early.
  17. Laughable thinking about really
  18. Yeah something definitely happened, who would you rather have in a relegation dog fight, seasoned pros (Myburgh as well) or a 19 year old who hasn't played a first class game?
  19. Any idea what Allenby's tweet about a snake was about?
  20. By their admission there is no scope for appeal and they were batting when they were taken so no idea how they were supposed to make overs up. Would love to know what their reasoning will be for the overturn.
  21. Sounds like Jos had an interesting stag do in Amsterdam... To add to this Strauss supposedly asked Jos to cancel to do given Stokes and Hales recent incident, because of Strauss' warning about it Root and Broad didn't go with the ashes looming.
  22. Quite, what annoys me is their own admission there's no scope for appeal.
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