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Everything posted by glynriley

  1. How does the fake sheikh square this comment from a couple of years ago , having now signed a player who has plead guilty to assault…? Joseph has obviously converted him to the dark side. These things take time. In an open letter on Rovers website, president Wael al-Qadi said the club had "in no way meant to belittle charges of domestic abuse" and "we stand firmly against any form of violence". He said any club employees who are convicted of such offences "will be dismissed immediately" and said he understood concerns that had been raised by supporters. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-57990366
  2. That link says June Brown signs for rovers. That’s Dot Cotton innit..?! It must be Dot Cotton having to sign for that shower.
  3. Can't boo any of Cotterill's boys. Except that *** Cunnigham of course.
  4. Of course it's retro, that's all Junior L has in his locker...
  5. Can’t go far wrong starting with a Who tune..!
  6. Well, that Cat Stevens set was superb. Rocked me back on my heels a bit when he did Here Comes The Sun as that was played at my Mums funeral. Wasn’t expecting him to throw that one in..!
  7. Seems perfect for the fewers. Barton will probably make him captain https://fanbanter.co.uk/serious-accusation-made-as-exeter-suspend-top-scorer-jevani-brown-over-disciplinary-matter/
  8. Our range is nowhere near what Stoke offer. The range we offer has been a joke for years and shows no sign of improving. https://store.stokecityfc.com/fashion I even found these on line. Why we can’t do something similar is beyond me https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/24624833-bristol-city-robin?feed_sku=24624833D1V&feed_country=GB&utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=[G]+[G.EUR]+[L.ENG]+[GEN]+[C.TShirts]+[PLF]&utm_id=notset&utm_content=bristol+city+f.c.&ar_clx=yes&ar_channel=google&ar_campaign=71700000111460818&ar_adgroup=&ar_ad=&ar_strategy=search&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=[G]+[G.GBR]+[L.ENG]+[GEN]+[C.TShirts]+[PMAX]&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqNqkBhDlARIsAFaxvwyV564rJnIQ1hlRtJyA5SDTawTl7Se5WY-wXn2r####-anbBiDSrWIaAtb1EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds Also https://www.redbubble.com/i/t-shirt/Bristol-city-s-by-IsWhatIGot/124930063.IJ6L0?country_code=GB&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqNqkBhDlARIsAFaxvwzxwuykjTdIv7u8GLxJcbI_gfAt2p8QMt6QuJtJfmjXoonH33JzGcQaAr_wEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  9. Why does @JerrySLO only seem to communicate on twitter?? For those of us not on it, it's as much use as an inflatable dartboard. Thanks to @westonred for bringing it to our attention.
  10. Better to have 2 decent players battling for a position. What's to say Tanner won't outshine McCrorie in pre season and start off as first choice? All about competition driving the standards up.
  11. Where’s Chris Tavare when you need him?
  12. League one nobodies to championship nobodies ? oh dear, off you **** dick head.
  13. It’s a poor summariser who doesn’t speak
  14. Here’s a flying robin I could get on board with
  15. Never saw a deceleration coming. Balls of steel.
  16. I agree. I said to my old man the other day, I reckon TC gets 15 - 20 goals next season and we're having Alex Scott type conversations this time next year.
  17. Yep. I actually quite like the shirt, it's just that dodgy robin. Not that I'm buying it at my age (& weight..!!)
  18. Other than the fact they are both robins, although the new version could be any number of birds, the statement is a nonsense. This is the kit it refers to, they'd have been better resurrecting the same badge, as they did on the white 3rd kit a few years back. Edit: Isn't our new badge supposed to be "a one-off modern-style Robin"...?
  19. How many members are there...? You can see the depth of feeling on here with regard the dodgy robin, almost universal dissaproval. I'm not a member so can't raise it, but you are I assume, so could you raise it on my behalf...? I'm sure others might be in the same boat.
  20. You'd think the SC&T would challenge the use of the dodgy robin on a first team shirt as a matter of course, wouldn't you...?
  21. Found these on another website. Why the club can't do something similar, with the new badge and retro badges, I've no idea. They'll probably produce some with the dodgy robin now... https://oldschoolfootball.co.uk/products/bristol-city-1970s-football-polo-sizes-s-xxxl-embroidered-logo?variant=6571641929755&currency=GBP&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=Cj0KCQjw7aqkBhDPARIsAKGa0oJWIj18ZMxXgGO5AYQq-qjg0SEuRpmdum6Xzvbp4IzRlZRRMHnyA34aAsBOEALw_wcB
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