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Everything posted by glynriley

  1. glynriley


    Oops, butter fingers
  2. Leading after being 1 down at halftime. Once again, I’d love to see Moysie win something.
  3. Death On Two Legs - Queen
  4. I must admit, it would make perfect sense to use Umbro if they have an existing tie in with the Bears. How perfect would it be if they were our supplier and the first kits back were based on the first division designs as @1960maaanhas highlighted above. Reckon old Jonh Boy has missed a trick here.
  5. Who’s Next is absolutely superb. Not wanting to turn this into a Who appreciation thread, but this is an absolute beauty…
  6. Wasn't many -11-12K from memory. I know a few gave it a miss after the first leg defeat. Bloody glad I never...!
  7. I was in the Enclosure that night, and your Dad's right, absolute bedlam...!! Great night.
  8. Ginger Baker is another that Animal is said to be based on, along with John Bonham. Don't think anyone knows for sure, but Moon is as good a shout as any, absolute legend. The Who were never the same after he died.
  9. Most of the music I listen to is older stuff anyway, but been listening to this a lot lately. Reminds me of my mum (rip) But this is definitely a go to old favourite. Makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Pay close attention to Keith, that’s a top rock and roll drumming performance.
  10. The Outlaw Josey Wales, Jaws, Shawshank, The Exorcist, Schindlers List, Taken, Inglorious Basterds, se7en, The Thing, Shaun Of The Dead, Anchorman, Blazing Saddles, The Life of Brian, Quadrophenia, Elf.
  11. I think someone from the Spurs end asked how many years Barton's next stretch will be. JB reckons 1, his mate got him down for a 10...
  12. No, didn’t get any sliders. Still, swings and roundabouts.
  13. How do you know the parents weren’t also staying at the hotel? It’s not like anyone was harassing them. I agree it’s not the place to be asking for autographs or photos, and nobody did. A wave or nod of acknowledgment shouldn’t be to much to ask to give to fans who’ve travelled hundreds of miles to support them. Still, as long as they’re picking up their millions without having to put up with the common people, it’s all good.
  14. Do you reckon it’s too much to ask for them to keep their phones in their pockets and give the fans a little thumbs up, or wave at the little lad who is clearly excited to see them? They’ve felt the need to apologise so know they were out of order.
  15. Hopefully Leeds, though good to read Luke Ayling wasn’t one of these arrogant tossers… https://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/sport/football/leeds-united/leeds-united-players-issue-statement-on-viral-video-of-young-fan-being-ignored-at-team-hotel-4125552
  16. I apologise to @Red-Robbo for calling him a dick, but to say “I didn't clap him off. I applauded the substitution. ” just seems very ungracious to a 19 year old kid with a massive decision to make in the not too distant. For me, mistake aside, it was an average performance, not poor, just average for the standards he’s set. Every City fan in the ground should have clapped him off for what he’s done over 2 years. Not clapped him being subbed for one mistake and a slightly below par game. Probably the last chance we’ll get.
  17. Wow. What a dick. A generational talent and you can’t cut the kid some slack?
  18. Nonsense for me. I’d give him a 3 year contract now and say it starts now. The last 2 years have been firefighting and setting the club up to move forward. Roll on the window opening and building a promotion squad. We’re not miles away.
  19. If McCrorie comes in, where do you see him playing Dave? I’ve got a sneaky feeling he might be seen as the long term successor to Matt James.
  20. Best of luck to you chief. Maybe you’re right and he has learnt from all the mistakes and damage he did here. Wouldn’t expect you to be bothered what he did to us either. Just pray that history doesn’t repeat itself with you, none of us would be bothered if it did either.
  21. His club interviews are always a bit more relaxed. The press conferences are usually when he puts a bit more meat on the bone. Take it you haven’t watched today’s ?
  22. Could see Mehmeti and Weimann competing for the no 10 position if Bryan came in.
  23. Cover/ Competition for LW or LB. Has also played a few games in CM so has the versatility Nige likes.
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