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Everything posted by old_eastender

  1. This is painful... Paterson might as well not bother to be on the pitch, again.
  2. City look a yard slower to react, no crisp pass and move like we had .v. Barnsley, struggling to string any forward passes together...
  3. Disappointed Eliasson not getting a start, given how poor Paterson was Tuesday. Sends the wrong message for players to keep their place after really poor performances.
  4. Hoping for a win, but think a disappointing draw is more likely, 2-2 after being 2-0 up.
  5. Me too. Aside from not owning up to making the wrong call in taking Brownhill off, LJ's analysis of the game on RB was spot-on. Trouble is it's no good being able to tell us what went wrong AFTER the game, he just doesn't seem to be able to get the message out (or make the right subs) during the game to correct things.
  6. Real shame, played so well first half. Just way too casual second half and Brum stepped it up. Reid's glaring miss, shows how we do need another striker... just hit the post!
  7. 'Arry changed the way Brum were playing at HT, LJ unable to respond, same old
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