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Everything posted by old_eastender

  1. A worst thought - we draw and Blackburn - Wigan draw (0-0 HT), LJ stays in as we are not in bottom 3 (yet).
  2. In fairness, Reid's best performances have come with Tomlin playing, but does sound like Burton winning too much in midfield...
  3. can see us being 1 down by HT and then belatedly Loser Johnson switches to 2 up front...
  4. no point dominating if you can't put the ball in the net... good job we have a 17 goal striker... oh no wait Loser Johnson has him sat on he bench!
  5. Absolutely MUST start with 2 up front and no excuses, win is a must or Loser Johnson has to go - "We want Johnson OUT, we want Johnson OUT" - but save that for FT.
  6. Great point, but yet again LJ shows he has no idea about game management... how many times have we let slip winning by 2 goals now?
  7. This... why oh why does LJ have to pi55 about changing formations WHEN WE ARE WINNING ... imbecile.
  8. Sure it was Korey who missed good chance to score when we were 2 up at home to Reading... and we all know how that ended...
  9. unfortunately a steward has just stopped the game being streamed on facebook... kill joy
  10. Good to see Vyner getting game time, should have started Weds instead of the hapless Matthews (Tony Dining Mark 2) if going to play a flat back 4.
  11. Good, about time SLs assertion that majority of City Fans support LJ was put right.
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