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David Brent

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Everything posted by David Brent

  1. Get in! Another of Pearson’s signings doing the business
  2. We’re far better as a counter attacking team but Alex Scott and Andi Weimann were so crucial to that.
  3. Don’t know if it’s cynical to think that Ben was brought in to help Alex ultimately. Haven’t they been friends for a while?
  4. Nothing he hasn’t experienced previously. I think none of us have anything to worry about. Just being the Nige we all know and love.
  5. The Tony thing became boring very quickly. He didn’t look out of place and great that Nige introduced him when he did.
  6. David Brent


    It’s important we keep hold of our best players and Zak is one of those. Has been for the last 2 and a bit seasons at least.
  7. Good move for him if they’re the ones paying us the money. I can see him doing very well there I’m going to miss him ?
  8. Some would argue that the booking fee is clearly indicated on the website but that’s not true. The cheapest ticket is advertised at £10. If the cheapest ticket is £11.25 then advertise as such.
  9. That was rather disappointing. Not like us to not get the basics right. That game was calling out for our Starboy.
  10. I’m hoping that’s because Bell has a Conway-type season.
  11. The argument should be that he’s ‘getting used to us.’ Same with Cornick. Both of them should be afforded that time. I think we can expect more from both this season but they’ve both showed enough to suggest they can do well here.
  12. No it’s all good. Sorted now. Thank you anyway
  13. Would love 1 if you’re happy to share
  14. Is this still available please?
  15. Very disappointing that the club have decided not to offer a matchday programme, either in print or online.
  16. Even if it was to do with our CEO, the buck stops at JL
  17. Vision Outsourcing / White Label Solution - they also made Oxford kits at the same time https://thewhitelabelsolution.co.uk/bristol-sport/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/40398185
  18. Didn’t have to turn. Eyes in the back of his head.
  19. First two yards are in your head. He’s quicker than those that LJ brought in to replace him.
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