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Everything posted by steveybadger

  1. Imagine how beautiful the first one would be. I’d be laughing for the whole of the following season?
  2. It’s just a way to shorten the name to save time! But agree pointless if nobody knows who it is…
  3. TC’s handball was much more a pen I’d say. not there today but he seemed to stretch their defence while missing a really good chance. Remind anybody of a certain other striker who plays for us and as has turned out alright?
  4. Antoine Semenyo. Having him as an out is such a big thing. Not saying it’s just him but it’s a big part.
  5. Oh **** another late winner conceded. Eh? What? Stop confusing me!
  6. I’d imagine it’s only on tonight as WBA played Monday, rather than for TV?
  7. You done good but your content dropped off a touch - Maybe bring in Aardman as a sub contractor for our 5 goals on Saturday?
  8. Feel bad for young James but as somebody from Gloucester living in Exeter I couldn’t be happier ?
  9. So apart from inaccuracy of the stats and even the actual managers, any context in relation to spend, state of the club at the time and division we were in, this is quite interesting ? ? (sorry MattWSM, know you were only trying to start a debate).
  10. Ah yes - couldn’t remember who the third midfielder was: Bakinson, Weimann and not Vyner, but Paterson.
  11. Didn’t he play CDM in Holden’s first 4 games (which we won?)? Given our lack of options there are worse shouts.
  12. Bumped into Neil the bassist a few years back at a gig down here in Exeter. Started gushing like a teenager - the only band that would make me do that ?
  13. ‘Dynamo’ by ? Sorry bit hazy! Man Utd ruined my life - Colin Schindler Dirty Northern B****** by Tim Marshall (about origin of chants, by guy who wrote ‘Prisonners of Geography’ which is fab.) soccernomics and Playing against the enemy, by Simon Kuper
  14. Rubbish coach he was. ???
  15. Tbf isn’t Colin Murray a Liverpool fan?
  16. Funny that - I’d have him in the bottom 3 pundits ?
  17. We have 2 problems as I see it. Our central defence is reliable only when we protect it with holding midfielders or even add a third CB. If we went gung ho and shoehorned even more attacking players in we’d be shooting ourselves in the foot. Southgate recognises this and picks his team accordingly. If Van Dyk was English we’d have a solution. But he isn’t so we don’t. And Southgate is correct that tournaments are almost always won by the most organised team (with quality thrown in) secondly, and an issue that has always been a problem, is our midfield struggles to keep the ball against better quality teams. Until we start producing and treasuring more technical midfielders this will continue. So overall, yes, Southgate may have had relatively kind draws in tournaments, but I actually think he’s got the most out of most players. Let’s not forget the mediocre records of every other England manager going back to Venables (who also had home advantage), and be a bit more realistic about the quality of the squad we actually have, rather than what we think we have.
  18. Reminds me of the old line a selector once said about batsman Graham Thorpe - what does he bring to the table apart from runs….
  19. So our second best manager ever is only in post as he’s a yes man? Did you think that 5 minutes into the Euro final?
  20. Sorry but I don’t get the logic here. They are seeded as they are because they have won a lot of games. Scotland are seeded lower as they win less.
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