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Silvio Dante

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Everything posted by Silvio Dante

  1. Followed by “One Nigel Pearson” and “Jon Lansdown, what a w a n k e r”
  2. Agree - it feels very flat, dispirited and we don’t look overly sharp. It feels like as opposed to feisty it’s reflective of the general disillusionment following the events of the last week. Saw S82 tweeting that they were getting behind the team (as opposed assumedly to getting at Lansdown or pro Pearson shouts), but I can’t help feel some of that “edge” may help things. Fact is the players probably don’t understand the decision so their heads are not totally there. I realise they’re pros but they’re also humans.
  3. Poor first half. Disappointed in the Lampard regime thus far
  4. Playing the liquidator over the tannoy. BAY GAWD THATS FRANK LAMPARDS MUSIC!!
  5. Thoughts today are not only with Nige but also with a slightly odd man from Nailsea who will get to see Barry Bannan in the flesh for the first time in several seasons. If you’re sat nearby, I’d take cover.
  6. And here’s exhibit 7,583 of the fact that nobody asked for or wants a separate ex players forum so threads are naturally started and engaged with in the main forum….
  7. I don’t know why people spend so much cash on personalised plates - it’s far cheaper to change your name to match your existing car. Mr KA88 FRZ Bristol
  8. Jesus. I never thought I’d see the day when Paul Merson was spot on about our club. Fair play.
  9. Can’t see us getting many results with that formation.
  10. Jon as Ralph Wiggum is unerring.
  11. I’m crediting Jon Lansdown with more intelligence than he has (ie I’m crediting him with “some”) but the way to diffuse a toxic environment that is expected tomorrow is to announce the new manager on the day of the game. And enough people will be drawn in by the “name” of Lampard to overlook the pretty bang average to poor managerial record and diffuse the situation in part. But by God, it’s not a decision I can get behind considering the likely financial juxtaposition to what Nige was given and Franks fairly uninspiring record.
  12. And shockingly, highlighting something around a player Pearson signed. It’s almost like there’s an agenda. (FWIW When Nige came in one of the things he said was that he wanted to have a “consistent” wage amongst the squad with no outliers on high earners. To then suggest, as the poster has, that he signed players contrary to that strategy - when I think it’s fair to say he’s got no history of bull - suggests the poster, coincidentally joining this week, is once again briefing to try and support the Lansdowns and put Nige in a bad light. It would be funny if it wasn’t so obvious)
  13. He really is a gutless and, comes across as, unpleasant individual isn’t he? What they’re actually doing in the current “PR” strategy is toxifying anyone who comes near, because they only want soft soap non questioning - so the interviewers become complicit in the charade. Just put yourself up for one proper interview Jon. I’m sure Geoff would come out of retirement to do it. You’d actually gain some respect, possibly some self respect, and not keep coming across as a spoilt, entitled, brat.
  14. Just as a point of order - it’s “ITK” as in “ In the Know”. You’ve just called people “I don’t knows”
  15. Math Withers on now pulling the “could be Reading, could be Weds” card and saying Lansdown has “fronted up”. So, Jon’s been interviewed by a quasi club employee and now we have the podcast who are “in” with the club. Nice balance guys, nice balance.
  16. Joe Sims really comes across as a sycophantic moron doesn’t he?
  17. 100%. One of the smallest squads in the division. Carrying a massive trading profit. Based on squad size, we’d have to be paying our players 150%-200% of other clubs for this to be true, and considering how many are academy, that just holds no water.
  18. Mate. You joined the forum on Saturday night. You’ve mentioned Luke Williams either directly or indirectly on multiple posts. You’ve supported and given positive reactions to people who praise the Lansdowns. If you’re a BS employee and trying to soften us up for an underwhelming appointment just say so. It’d be better than this charade of “long time lurker just decided to start posting” you’re engaging in now.
  19. Again, trying to look through this of the lens of “He’s not Nige and I’d rather Nige”… I did think the 5-1 against Oxford didn’t tell the full story. They were well in the game first half and had a good few chances. I thought they played decent football and were a good side. His MK Dons team were also a good set up until the family silver was sold. Against that, as has been noted he’s not a huge distance away from a sacking at the level below. The dropoff after losing key players - and a major dropoff - is a real concern. As a parallel, had he been City manager and lost Scott/Semenyo, there is real doubt as to how he would have coped, and at a level above. I don’t inherently dislike him but for me there are too many question marks at the moment and the above, considering our position of selling our best players, is a real red flag. I think if he showed consistency in performance for another year-18 months he’s a good shout. But I’m probably landing on the side of No at the moment for the above reasons.
  20. Yeah this. Joe is very much part of the “establishment” at the club and also isn’t a professional journalist a la Geoff Twentyman. They look the right questions but again, a pre recorded (and assumedly) sanitised version with a friendly face as opposed to fronting up in a proper interview is a small step forward but it’s not exactly holding yourself up to scrutiny is it?
  21. “Only Fools and Horses” ”Lager Top” ”Haven’t given it much thought but my dads a carpenter so I’d have probably gone into that” Etc.
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