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The Gasbuster

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Everything posted by The Gasbuster

  1. Hahahaha ! Useless wanchors. Even better to hear Jason Roberts whining.
  2. Wins for England & Norn Iron, defeat for the Jocks A stuffing for the 15ers. Now defeats required for Wales & Ireland; and it will be a perfect weekend. All without City kicking a ball !
  3. Loads of whingeing 15ers on R.B. this evening
  4. Looks like Weasel has won the "15er of the week award" (again !)
  5. Sounds like he is thriving under LJ's tenure. Should have got more than one today, by the sound of it. Still the doubt over his strength, for me, though.
  6. Recently, because that fantastic new corporate canopy can be seen on the side of that "stand"
  7. They should have followed Forest's example, where they have the words "Trent End" behind the goal. The 15ers would only need one letter less for "Tent End".
  8. Christ, that is abysmal. From a grown "man" as well ?!
  9. W.T.F. do you 15ers know about transfer fees anyway ?! I believe Tilson is still your record signing at £ 300 k, and that goes back about 25 years
  10. This headline news must be the reason for the pound plummeting and the markets being all over the place !
  11. Perhaps Jordan can take our place in the E.U. ?
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