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The Gasbuster

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Everything posted by The Gasbuster

  1. Wally al Qaeda and the 15ers. Sounds like some crappy '70s folk act.
  2. "Smaller than a flea" Is that a reference to the size of his brain, penis, or both ?
  3. Probably shagging his sister, in celebration.
  4. Disappointing that Rotherham are. We really do need to beat them on Tuesday.
  5. A lot of bollocks there, but some sense. For me, the daftest thing was the reference to the "Brighton Conurbation" erm.... W.T.F. ?! A conurbation is an area that has been built up by towns and cities being joined together. West Midlands is a conurbation including Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Dudley, Stourbridge, West Bromwich, Walsall and a significant number of smaller towns. H.T.F. did they arrive at Brighton being a conurbation ?!
  6. If our place is a building site, yours is a travellers' site.
  7. Mario Balotelli, indeed ! So an asshead names himself after a knobhead !!
  8. You need to put her address down for delivery, so that the driver knocks on her door first ! Then you appear and advise the driver of the mistake, and gleefully watch him unload the shopping to you.
  9. For every one of their deluded idiots "boycotting" Sainsburys, there is one of us who will choose Sainsburys as their number 1 choice
  10. I might just listen to "having a slag" on R.B. tonight, should be good for a laugh !
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