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The Gasbuster

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Everything posted by The Gasbuster

  1. Merry Xmas fellow Reds ! (I won’t mention New Year as I hate it - realising I have just mentioned it !)
  2. I absolutely hate that one. The word "ask" is more than enough. Edit : Italian Dave beat me to it
  3. Christmas. Not Christmas itself; but the people that have allowed the supermarkets and media to brainwash them into believing Christmas starts on Dec 1 & finishes on Dec 26 (Boxing Day), which is when Easter starts ! Erm, no. Christmas starts on Dec 25 and finishes on Jan 5.
  4. Cars displaying "Child on board" stickers. To quote Ben Elton - "Yeah, I've done it, and there's the proof ! No virgins in here, Mate !"
  5. While we are on “transport”; I would like to add horses to this topic (well sometimes they are a method of transport). Dog owners have to pick up their dog’s shit and dispose of it safely, or face a hefty fine. Horses; who produce probably 20 times as much shit as a dog, just shit all over the road. Why aren’t the riders forced to shovel up their shit ?
  6. MLW-Fs - Middle Lane Wanchor FOLLOWERS Sheep-like ignorant idiots who just sit behind MLWs (at a safe distance of course ) and just follow them. Oblivious to the jammed outside lane to the right of them. No attempt by them to get the MLW to move into the inside lane (i.e no flashing of lights, gesticulation or aggressive movement) WORSE than MLWs !!
  7. “This club BELONGS in the Premier League”. if every club that has fans claiming thiis; were to be in the P.L., it would be around 60 teams strong, with about 4 games a week for each team, and a 12 month season.
  8. “It is what it is” ”We are where we are” Yeah, thanks for your invaluable input !
  9. Spot on. Netanyahu is not listening to the U.N. or most of the world. The protests calling for a ceasefire are pointless. Even if Starmer / Sunak were to agree, it will make **** all difference. Netanyahu is certainly not going to take any notice of a few protesters in Bristol !
  10. MLWs - Middle Lane Wanchors Not sure if they are as bad, or perhaps worse, but OLWs - Outside Lane Wanchors
  11. What will Cuntdiff do to it when they next visit ?
  12. Not the 1987 Gary Smart game. I was physically sick after that game. Living with a couple of 15ers at the time didn't help, either !
  13. But without the awful results against Rovers 15 (1986-1990)
  14. I saw it too. It was so small it almost disappeared when landing on the pitch (view from back of S25)
  15. Very sad. Always had a smile on his face, seemed a very positive guy. R.I.P. Terry
  16. Spot on. I doubt there is a more popular kit man in the country !! Utter bollocks. He's the kit man FFS !
  17. Yes. Wally & Saddam have told all season “ticket” holders in the “new stand” to make sure they charge their mobile phones before arriving at the dump. From 4.15 pm onwards, they will all stand and switch on their phone torches, and point them towards the pitch. They will remain in position until full time arrives.
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