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Everything posted by pongo88

  1. I'm going to give the opposite opinion to the majority of the posters. I think this is a good team selection! Although I rate JET, this doesn't mean I feel he has to be selected for each game. Even top teams in the Premiership rotate players and operate on the. " horses for courses" principle. IMO, in this game, City need to be able to break at speed from defence. A lot of posters seem to have forgotten Barnet's performance earlier in the season and have dismissed him as a good player. To me he is the ideal player for this sort of game on a heavy pitch.
  2. There are a lot of complaints about the defence after every match. Much of this is justified but I don't think the defence is the main problem. In any match, if you don't control the midfield, you don't control the match. How often has City controlled the midfield in any match in recent years? We've got too many midfield players who can do some nice touches, or can run around a bit, but where are the tough players who can tackle, track opposing players etc? (If anybody knows, please tell Cotts so that he can sign a couple)
  3. I'm getting fed up with this. Each week people keep complaining that City concede two goals per game. Today City don't - and still people complain!
  4. Look for the positives. There is a pub on each corner of the ground.
  5. Bristol Rovers are the only club who were unable to think of a nickname for themselves. "The Gas" was a term originally used by City supporters.
  6. When Duncan Edwards signed for Man Utd the signing on "fee" was a new washing machine for his mother. Bristol City, although an English club, won the Welsh cup in 1934. Bristol City's first floodlights were designed and built by the chairman's own company. (Harry Dolman - Brecknell Dolman & Rodgers)
  7. MK have lost a few of their loan players recently so it's 3 - 1 to City.
  8. Personally I don't think that this should be a problem. They are both professional footballers and there are bust ups and nasty fouls in almost every game. Good professionals accept this and just get on with it. Maybe a few handbags at the time but after the game it cools down.
  9. wolves looked average when they lost to Gillingham on TV last week. City need to be positive in the next few matches. Although the matches look difficult, the defence is getting stronger, and the team can score goals. My prediction against Wolves is 1-1. (I haven't managed to get any predictions right so far this season but there must be a first time )
  10. How on earth can anyone blame the manager for City's first half performance ? He's only been here for a few days and has inherited a poor bunch of players who are used to playing a very slow style of football that has had relegation written all over it. At least he's realised that playing Baldock as a lone striker will not be successful and had attempted to change things
  11. There have been mixed views about SoD. It seems to be 50 - 50 on he should have been given more time v I'm glad he's gone. At the same time there has been almost 100% criticism of Jon Lansdown / the board. I'm not a great fan of either but a lot of the criticism is, IMO, unfounded. Many people have said that SoD had to work under financial constraints which is true to a certain degree. However the board backed him to bring in a lot of players, either permanent signings or on loan, who should be good at league 1 level. The budget he was given was more than a lot of teams in this league - e.g Lee Johnson has a budget of approx 75p at Oldham. The board also gave SoD plenty of time when other clubs would have panicked and sacked him much earlier. If he had to go, now is the time, as it gives a new manager time to look at the players before the January window
  12. There are a hell of a lot of opinions on this thread. To me, wether you're gas or City, there is one overriding theme - if you want to progress, move on, improve your business, don't try do do it in Bristol. Go anywhere else in the country.
  13. The problem with using safe standing as the basis of a 30,000 capacity, is how many people would want to stand? There are some supporters who like to stand, but today this is a minority, as most want to sit. If we ever get to the stage where gates are around the 30,000 level a lot of these extra people will be new / casual supporters. Some might want to stand, but personally, I think these new supporters will be used to watching football on TV and will expect a bit of comfort. If all they can do is stand, they may decide to stay at home and continue watching Sky football on their sofas.
  14. Rose-tinted glasses exactly! I can remember watching City in the early 1960s and there were some good players. However until promotion to division 2 (now the Championship) in 1965 they were playing against level 3 opposition. The only player of that era who could unquestionably be regarded as better than anyone we’ve got now is John Atyeo, though I wouldn’t mind having Jack Connor as our current centre half. IMO most of the players in the Alan Dicks time at the club were better than many we have now as they played in 2 (now the Championship) from 1967 until promotion to division 1. In 1979 City finished 13th in division 1. Since then it’s been a mixture of all 4 divisions, mainly the bottom 2 so it’s virtually impossible to make comparisons. That said, TEAM SPIRIT and effort seemed to be a lot better in previous years
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