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Rob k

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Everything posted by Rob k

  1. I’ve no doubt it will sell out at Spurs but i for one won’t be paying to watch it.
  2. Rob k


    I read last night probably on here somewhere that the bottom team (Coventry) have lost less games than the team coming top (blackburn) this season
  3. Here’s me banging on about taking a draw and we’re 2-0 up ??
  4. Rob k

    U21s today

    I’ve been quite scathing of Williams but i thought he had a decent enough game on Saturday
  5. Have we become predicatable in how we set up and play and do we need to change things up and try and become a little more solid at the back tonight and play for a draw? We have a tough run of games coming up and in think a point tonight would be a good result.
  6. Tbf i was right in line with that cross and it was awful - not a single player had a chance of getting on the end of it
  7. What a great fight - Shields comfortably ahead but brilliant action
  8. Marshall looks like she has no idea how to deal with this fight
  9. Hahaha - fair play to her She’s certainly looking very confident
  10. I actually think i agree with a post further up - are the judges best at ringside, or in a room where they can see everything? All the presenters/us lot/ social media from what I’ve briefly seen all had Mayer winning, how have 2 people seen it differently?
  11. She won the fight easily - it’s an absolute robbery, I’ve not seen anyone who didn’t have Mayer as the winner bar the 3 judges and anyway, this is just another to add to the list of very dubious decisions
  12. Boxing’s the most corrupt sport on earth ???
  13. Rob k


    Conclusive evidence that i was more than likely correct
  14. I don’t know what’s expected of these teams, football is now geared up for 3 divisions and 1 other team who have a lot of money. How does anyone expect rangers or Celtic to complete in the CL? They may get the odd good result but overall they don’t have the finance to compete. And it’s not like Liverpool and Man City have not done this in the Premier league either is it.
  15. Rob k


    There is absolutely no way on earth I’m paying £35 - £45 for a game between Bristol City and Preston
  16. Rob k


    It was more an observation of just how few people attended tonight
  17. You could watch every city game now for £100 and then £50 a year with one of those firestick things
  18. Rob k


    Yeah right ?? more like 10000 there tonight
  19. Do you know what the nearest away fan pub is to the ground at all? thanks
  20. Rob k


    I’ve booked Manchester - April 16th
  21. Rob k


    I’m bang in the same position, I’ve done so much endurance stuff over the last 18months I’ve really neglected to the speed and track stuff, im literally plodding along and seemingly finding it impossible to get quicker. I’ve gone right back to the start, booked a 10k race and will follow a plan to try and get quicker again, i was doing around 23m 5ks and bust my balls recently to see where i was and it was 27.30, i couldn’t have gone quicker either. It was a shock
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