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Everything posted by cityexile

  1. Well FT. Very open match, far too open from our perspective. Sunderland deserved it overall. Two matches, nil points after leading in both. First half today thought we were ok overall, bar their very poor goal. Second half, just second best. Not going to melt down just yet, but unlike last week when it could be argued we were genuinely unlucky, difficult to not be quite worried after the way that match has actually gone.
  2. Going to be one of those days. For goodness sake, had to score.
  3. It’s not just the back line, it’s the way it works with our midfield. Just keep getting exposed to easily.
  4. Cannot argue it is deserved. Going t be a long season.
  5. We look a long way from getting those prized clean sheets, Ho hum.
  6. Thought we edged it but not by much. Look decent enough going forward, but they are also carrying a threat. Tough old league when you give bloody silly goals away.
  7. I know you like to play contrarian, but that does not say what you think it does. The ‘contact’ comment is after ‘trips or attempts to trip’. The fact that he went on for a few steps before falling, it is clear he had not been tripped, but chose to fall over. Think about it, if every contact was a free kick the game would never happen. The only question law 12 poses is was he tripped by the tackle, not if there was contact.
  8. The angle is not great in fairness. All the studs are showing whereas the picture makes is look like it’s full foot contact. It’s not completely conclusive as the tacking foot is closer to the camera than the attackers legs. He has equally dived in, gets nowhere near the ball, and may well have made contact. It’s like the attackers brain has gone ‘O , did I feel contact there? I might have done actually, I need to go down’, and ends up making a laughable dive that the ref falls for. If he is brought down by the challange instead of falling over because he thinks he should, no complaints.
  9. I am far to much of a gentleman and too mild mannered to argue with that ranking and to suggest that others might rank you with other qualities higher...
  10. I think it is generally acknowledged that women’s football has required investment, and why this cup run was important. It is hoped that it will drive more fans to the week to week games, more income, more sponsorship, higher TV revenues, that all give it a route forward. We shall see. I don’t also entirely buy the argument that men’s football is sustainable because Club X gets £200m from its owners, but if 0.5% of that goes to their women’s team it means they are not. It is self evidently compared to mens football in its infancy. I also think it was one of the reasons for the sheer unleashed joy from the England team yesterday after the final whistle. This was their big stage, what gives them the profile, the biggest match of their lives. For a lot of world class men players the International side is important, but not all defining. Their profile, contracts etc come from domestic leagues and things like European competitions. Even for fans, would Man City fans prefer a Champions League win v England winning something? Or us, promotion? Its interesting to compare the ETs in the final last night and Italy. Against a skilled but clearly tiring opponent last night, we got players forward at a corner. In daring to win they increased the chances also of losing. The manager was not thinking ‘who do I bring on for penalties’ in very similar circumstances, but even with tired legs trying to find a way win it.
  11. Watching "England" get engraved in a trophy is actually genuinely bizarre. And not a little emotional.
  12. Dodgy penalty 93rd minute goal to lose it. Footballs back baby.
  13. Been second best thus half and can argue Hull deserve to be level. Does not change that from being a shocker.
  14. 1-1. Not been prepared to book all day, then falls for a complete dive.
  15. Thought they grew in to it, and were getting on top the more the half went on. Hopefully we can reimpose ourselves second half.
  16. 0% chance that will happen, although an interesting aside is she seems to be getting more of a tune out of them than the previous manager, Phil Neville, who only got them to a World Cup semi…
  17. Just home. Enjoyed that. Others analyse games much better than me, but thought Germany squeezed the life out of France and deserved it overall. Think England v France would have been a much more open game, but it is what it is. Decent crowd, although predominately neutral crowds always are slightly subdued...Germans well outnumbered France fans which was a bit of a surprise. Destined to be Germany I guess. Same for penalties?
  18. Going to the semi tomorrow, 10 min drive and £15, so why not. Would usually go for the underdog, but difficult to call that with France and Germany. Extra time and sending offs I guess, but really just hoping for, and expecting, a good game.
  19. Don’t get me wrong, amazing skill. ‘Fluke’ as in it pretty much nut megged two players. No one moaning about the defender who was actually on her. Wonderful, but as a goalie I would still be thinking ‘Jammy sod’.
  20. To add...I would be more disappointed with that one, where you do have a clear view of it.
  21. As part, many years ago, of the goalkeepers Union, it’s almost a fluke but very little you can do. No reason to expect it at all.
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