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Everything posted by bearded_red

  1. Last time I looked it was a free country. I don’t know what ‘getting behind the board’ looks like, but I can assure you I won’t be doing it champ. Still, you’re getting closer to writing an actual sentence, so great progress.
  2. I feed the pigeons, I sometimes feed the sparrows too, it gives me a sense of enormous wellbeing
  3. The Yeboah chant but changed to Crayola.
  4. What a ******* bloke. In an industry full of self obsessed bullshitters I was genuinely proud of having someone with such honesty, decency and integrity as our manager. City will of course always be my team, but frankly the Ashton/Johnson era really started to question, that although I’ll always love the club, whether at that time I actually liked it. Nige changed that. Really happy he knows the warmth so many of us have towards him, and he’s been in the game long enough to appreciate this isn’t exactly the normal response from fans to a manager getting sacked. As he says, the hard working spirited team he’s built deserve our full support, a far cry from the squad full of half hearted, overpaid wasters that he inherited.
  5. I’d imagine neither of us have the numbers, so of course I could be wrong, but from what I saw I’d be stunned if we dropped in any sort of intensity in the Ipswich game. In fact, our energy was what probably kept us in it at times. Dont know about Cardiff, to be honest with the team we had I’d admitted defeat before I even got in the ground. So the game rather washed over me.
  6. After the Coventry game, Mark Robins described us as ‘the highest pressers in the division, bar none’. Imagine how good at pressing we’ll be now we’ve got rid of Dr Evil not knowing how to keep our players in condition. I, for one, welcome our new Sports Science/Physiotherapy overlord.. Jon Lansdown
  7. They were so badly conditioned going into the Coventry game that we got stronger as the game went on and our fitness was clearly one of the things that got us over the line in a game which we didn’t play particularly well. Still, the outright lies seem to be getting bought by enough people on Twitter, so it’s worked a charm. I’d pay good money to see Dave Rennie put the nepo baby crayon shagger in his place.
  8. Something about ‘look at Reading’, ‘it could be worse’ or Vincent Tan. ’thank you Stephen’
  9. You actually couldn’t make it up. Jon Lansdown thinks he’s knows more about conditioning football players than Dave Rennie. Absolutely ******* staggering. Classic nepo baby arrogance.
  10. First question- The training ground is good isn’t it. **** me, sorry Jeremy Paxman.
  11. Yeah spot on, if only the ‘it could be worse’ argument applied to managers.
  12. Mr Burns, your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?
  13. I’m going to use this nonsense argument with all players that ever receive criticism. Dont think Max is good enough? Be careful what you wish for, we could have Elliott Parish. Cornick played badly? Think yourself lucky, we could have Bas Savage instead. About as good an argument as it is original.
  14. Glad Joe Sims is having a good old laugh about Frank Lampard. The BBC really holding the club to account. Job well done to all involved.
  15. This is going to be absolutely brilliant for my blood pressure isn’t it.
  16. They certainly don’t pay them in match tickets as they wouldn’t dream of bothering to watch us play.
  17. It’s made me even angrier that interview to be honest. What a culture and professionalism Nige was building, surrounded himself with top people because he’s so comfortable in his own skin he doesn’t mind being challenged. Look at the loyalty that Nige gets from players and staff. And it’s ending. Because the little worms that run this club can’t take being challenged, can’t deal with a bloke who knows what success looks like. Need their football manager to be some lickspittle that jumps up and down telling everyone how wonderful the Lansdowns are. It’s an absolute ******* joke. Self sabotage FC. Sell up and **** off.
  18. ‘Dave Rennie did a great job and has a great name in the game’- Curtis Fleming.
  19. ‘Dave Rennie did a great job and has got a great name in the game’. Also categorically calling out the bullshit around the time off over the last international break causing any injuries. Does Fleming make the weekend at North Korea FC?
  20. Spot on. It remains an absolute joke. The bunch of ******* clowns never deserved him.
  21. Weimann posted something very similar, really struck me that that a player as experienced as him felt the value of working with Nige, not just as a football manager, but as a person. Can you imagine any of our players saying anything along those lines for certain previous managers!
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