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Posts posted by bearded_red

  1. 22 minutes ago, Robbored said:

    I remember his debut. It was against PNE iirc and they obviously knew the full back was a debutant and peppered him all game. It’s fair to say that he didn’t cope well at all and we lost the game - not entirely his fault tho.

    His debut was against MK Dons and we won 2-0.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Lanterne Rouge said:

    What did he say?

    I’d have to listen to again, but something about how if he coached a team like that he’d rather stay at home on a Saturday afternoon. Then something like ‘how old is he now? in his sixties? And all he knows is playing football like that’.

    Then some nonsense about how he’s spoken to Luke Leahy and told him to come back and play for a proper football team.

  3. Unsurprisingly the absolute weapon that manages them is currently being an utter *** about Cotterill on Radio Bristol.

    Never sure whether it’s just the dreadful bloke that he is or he’s trying to play up to their fans, but good god. 

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  4. A really big reason of why I got into cricket was being taken by grandad/dad to watch Somerset play one day cricket on a Sunday with Mushtaq and Andy Caddick in their team.

    Why on earth would a young boy/girl fall in love with cricket now being taken to watch a Somerset team lower than a second eleven?

    It was a great crowd tonight, how do Somerset sell that next season after this year? Everyone knowing we’ll be watching a team missing 18? players? A Somerset team with non contracted players? Desperately signing players on loan to fill an eleven?

    Proud county clubs are being destroyed.

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  5. Lost the game by not making the most of the position they were in going in to the last ten overs.

    Really proud of them today though to be honest, there are players playing in that team that wouldn’t make it in to a second eleven in white ball cricket if they had everyone available.

    I’d be really surprised if the team today isn’t the youngest they’ve ever put out to be honest.

  6. 6 minutes ago, City oz said:

    Might open a can of worms here but if LJ was still with us would be in a better position than we are in now.

    Fair play, it’s genuinely impossible for me to disagree with an opinion more.

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  7. Is there any level of financial mess we could have been left in before some people still fail to realise just how absurdly the club was run by the chancers Ashton and Johnson.


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  8. This thread is almost like a competition for who can say the most over the top thing.

    ’main problem at the club’

    ’worse than when he took over’.

    Really? Come on.

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