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Everything posted by bearded_red

  1. Fair play, Bartlett coming in at that point was absolute Lee Johnson areas.
  2. For the absurd amounts of money we’ve paid him to barely play for us, yes I’d say he was. Clearly he’s a better player than people like Engvall, but that isn’t what I’m arguing.
  3. I didn’t say he’s the worst player we’ve had, of course he isn’t. But the money that has spent, I think he’s the worst signing.
  4. Worst signing we’ve ever made.
  5. Best zero pounds and zero pence I’ve ever spent.
  6. How many games do we have to see Jonny Bairstow fail to ever even look like a top five batsman in test match cricket? He plays as a keeper and bats seven, or he doesn’t play. Surely.
  7. Really glad we left these two out in the Caribbean. Really good decision that.
  8. Pleasantly surprised. Very good news.
  9. Well fair play, it’s nigh on impossible to have a lower opinion of Lee Johnson’s ability to manage a football team than I do, but for the life of me I can’t think how pointing out he won The Papa John’s Trophy means you’re part of the much feared ‘cancel culture/snowflake brigade’. What a truly absurd remark. Potentially the maddest thing I’ve ever read on this forum to be honest.
  10. Incredible talent. I’m probably as big a fan of Tom Abell as it’s possible to be, but even though he got a hundred I thought Bethell looked head and shoulders the best batsman in the game.
  11. He’s still under contract and why on earth would anybody else want him? So yes, unfortunately I think he will be here next season.
  12. To be honest, Scott and Semenyo, winning some games at Ashton Gate and not playing football that makes you want gouge out your own eyes makes this season a hell of a lot more enjoyable than the last few.
  13. bearded_red


    Need to redo my vote for Champagne Moment. Scrumpy Ultras.
  14. I don’t believe made up numbers from people guessing on the internet, it really is that simple. Their guess on the two other players mentioned will be closer to being correct though, unlike the Simpson guess which may be the worst thing I’ve ever seen on the forum, to be honest.
  15. I’m not the slightest bit interested in some made up numbers from the internet, thanks though!
  16. Stopped reading after the suggestion that Danny Simpson was on 15k a week. I’m sure the rest of your post was brilliant and I’m missing out.
  17. I much prefer it when we don’t hear from them to be honest.
  18. Get him back I say, at least then I can spend my Saturday afternoons doing something else.
  19. He isn’t good enough for this level, that’s clear. However, I’m concerned that I think he’s probably better than Cundy.
  20. His shorts look massive. That’s my considered analysis.
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