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Everything posted by bearded_red

  1. Similar to Joe Root with the test team, you’d question his sanity if he wanted to stay in position to be honest.
  2. Absolutely pitiful. Maybe one day the owner will take responsibility for the shower that is this club. I won’t hold my breath.
  3. If I was on a contract for another year that nobody else in their right mind would be willing to pay I’d be happy to tell everyone just about how much I love the club as well tbh.
  4. Last summer, he played a couple of T20s and the first couple of 50 over games before he had to go and carry drinks for England.
  5. This is Tom Harrison’s legacy. He should be really proud of himself.
  6. Blows my mind when people make jokes about our team team in the nineties, any team you want from the nineties would absolutely demolish this team. Its not getting better any time soon either.
  7. This is almost unquestionably the lowest standard test series I’ve seen England involved in.
  8. Leach has the best defensive technique of anybody in this team, and I’m not even 100% sure I’m joking.
  9. I think it’s worse than that though, I don’t think they have the techniques to survive as soon as the ball starts moving in any way, swing, seam or spin.
  10. Surely it’s obvious that it’s best for everyone that he moves on. Maybe he’ll go somewhere else and become the useful player his physical attributes suggest he should be, but surely it’s clear to everyone involved that isn’t going to happen here. I don’t quite get some of the hate he gets at times, but he’s been an extremely frustrating player.
  11. I’d love to know where people think this group of players should be in the table. I’d also like to know how people think we should be getting on against WBA (even taking into account how dire they appeared today).
  12. Broad and Anderson probably both gone in the side laughing at how they’ve not had to bowl on these pitches tbh.
  13. Incredible effort this from Pakistan. Babar is the best all format batsman in the world.
  14. Not that England deserve him to after their disgusting treatment of him, but if Leach pulls this off I’ll be so happy for him.
  15. Contender for the dumbest shot you’ll ever see from Campbell there.
  16. I mean you weren’t right, so it wasn’t that lucky a guess.
  17. If only England had a couple of seamers that could take the new ball in test cricket, take some wickets and not go at fives..
  18. Sibley, Burns and Jennings have hundreds since Cook retired. Fairly certain the last one was Burns against New Zealand last summer.
  19. Was never on board with the signing of Simpson, and it’s clearly been a complete failure, but I’m happy that there is now some sense being spoken over suggestions that he is our worst ever signing. There are at least two still at the club that are worse, just for starters. Both of them were big fees, both of them are amongst the highest earners in the squad, both of them are, if not useless, then very close to useless, both of them are still here for no other reason than we can’t get rid of them, both of them will still be an issue for this club long after people have forgotten that Simpson even played for us.
  20. I’d recommend Gideon Haigh’s biography ‘On Warne’ for anyone that’s hasn’t read it. Probably the best sporting biography I’ve read.
  21. Best and most watchable cricketer I’ve ever seen. RIP
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