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Everything posted by cheese

  1. I never understand how this is allowed to happen. I thought you couldn't talk to a player until a bid had been accepted - surely that should apply to their agents/representatives too?
  2. Anyone fancy a pint while we're waiting? All this talk has made me thirsty.
  3. If the team are winning it'll be fine - if they're losing then it would be a bad appointment - same as any other managerial appointment.
  4. The most dad joke I've seen in a while.
  5. It's ok, I've managed to secure Kalas for next season from IKEA.
  6. Most players could though.
  7. I'll raise you Michelle Mone - not even been prosecuted yet
  8. It's always been the case that the property of the rich is more valued than the lives of the working class. And it probably always will be.
  9. Curr Avon has been released. Looking for a new club to support. Might have to drop down a league or two.
  10. That's assuming you would have left the room.
  11. Because it's Liverpool.
  12. Not for me - anyone that promotes O'Leary ahead of Bentley doesn't deserve a job ????
  13. Were you listening to me behind the wardrobe last night?
  14. Someone earlier said you shouldn't do stand up - I disagree - you're really funny. Have you compared goals conceded per game before and after Max got the shirt?
  15. I think Yate are trying their best.
  16. NordVPN and Belgium - not a judder. Never had a problem with NordVPN.
  17. I knew it was a mistake for me to start watching. Sorry everyone!
  18. Just switched on to see some women players being asked to do stuff I cold never imagine the men having to do. They seem to be enjoying it though.
  19. And Swansea have prevented it from being on RobinsTV for the UK. Bloody Welsh - why can't they play in their own leagues.
  20. At least it will be dark.
  21. Thanks for that - Sainsbury's booked.
  22. Man U or Tottenham for me. Be nice to knock both Manchester clubs out! ?
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