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Everything posted by cheese

  1. Look, can we be serious, the chap's just on his knees looking for answers...
  2. Well, the club can do no wrong. Stop moaning. Thank you Cheese - Captain of the Club can do no wrong Brigade - Black Watch Division.
  3. VAR: Just going to look at that incident again Ref: Ok, let me know how it goes. VAR: No penalty - incident happened in Man Utd's box therefore nothing to review. Ref: Ok, I'm going to book O'Neill for having the temerity to ask for one. VAR: Spot on.
  4. I have the same - except the time remaining is different!! ?
  5. I'm welling up. You know it was going to happen but it's still a shock when it does.
  6. Maybe he has his sights set on Oldham - after all they were one of the founding members of the Premier League.
  7. Since when did we start announcing that player's have picked up a knock in training? Usually that's one of the questions on matchday when x isn't playing.
  8. I'd be quite happy to finish top - or win the play-offs, but stay in the Championship.
  9. I'd accept 20 mil from anyone for anything. Whether the club would is another thing and I don't think they should.
  10. It was the best of times, it was the wurst of times..
  11. Shhh, the grapevine, the rumourmill but, tellingly, not De Alien.
  12. Well we are on P139 after all - and it has been prophesized.
  13. Yes, I was watching and can confirm I have no knocks. Good workout lifting a few cans, and I'll be available to watch again next week.
  14. Which one? They have more than one.
  15. So the French called mobile phones "errrr"? How every French.
  16. Just been to Tesco - they're mucking me about, I offered them £3.50 for a steak they had marked at £6.50 but they refused. Well, I'm not playing their game of chicken so I left.
  17. It's the Brizzle spelling of his name as I'm sure a lot of Bristolians pronounce the d that doesn't exist.
  18. Who's this Steve Landsdown anyway and what does he know. Is he trying to impersonate our very own Steve Lansdown?
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