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Posts posted by downendcity

  1. Feel today is last chance saloon for LJ and the team.

    While there are plenty of games left, a loss today will leave us with no momentum and I just can't see where we will be able to turn things around. Teams around us all seem to have found some form and importantly results,  and I can easily see them going past us or pulling away.

    Im normally pretty positive and optimistic about the team, but since Christmas have found my optimism ebbing away, which Im really sad about. I still think this team is far better than it's current position, but  the disastrous run of losses before Christmas hammered their confidence. The first halves at both Derby and Newcastle showed their potential, but the second halves in those games showed the mental fragility that is now the biggest achilles heel.

    Desperately hoping for a win today but fearing a draw at best.


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