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Posts posted by maxjak

  1. 4 hours ago, LondonBristolian said:

    I get what you are saying but I think there's reasons why it is not possible.

    I've no idea where you work but, if you are employed rather than self-employed, you can probably imagine what would happen if your employer started giving public running commentary on every decision made and everything you and your colleagues had done behind the scenes.

    It would quickly get messy, leave no room for confidential conversations and almost certainly result in resignations and some form of legal actions. Asking the club to do all their HR publicly just isn't a reasonable ask. 

    I am obviously not talking about every decision made..........that would be frankly ridiculous.  But instead of constantly feeding fans the corporate line, and stupid predictions and waffle from various players.  I am just requesting on ocassions that we are kept up to date with certain issues, instead of being treated like 12 year old fanboys?                 

  2. 5 minutes ago, BCFCinNW6 said:

    How much more comms do you need from the club? They push out so many manager interviews, player content / interviews and everything else, I sometimes wonder if there’s anytime for the actual football. 

    It's not the amount.........it's the quality of the information.  It's easy to churn out pointless fan pleasing content, I am referring to decision making and aspects of the running of the club that directly affect the fanbase.  It would be good to be kept informed about important issues, rather than stuff like........ Dasilva's Message to the fans (Currently on the news site) which is a pile of useless crap  IMHO?

  3. 1 hour ago, Mendip City said:

    Worrying that I’ve no idea what formation or line up we will go with.


    Nige seems no closer to knowing his best line up or shape of team. I really don’t think he’s got a lot to work with but trying to get a settled system and play our way through it would seem the best approach to me. 

    Oh and what a waste King and Simpson have turned out to be. 

    Dare I say ..........considering our belt tightening financially........    King and Simpson's recruitment seems to echo looking after your old mates, and does not reflect very well on Nige's use of the available budget?   Both are well past their best, and IMHO a waste of valuable resources.....that could have been used to pay for an absolutely essential extra striker?  Nige keeps reiterating that he does not see the point in recruiting players that are not an improvement on what is already here, and yet signs these two "has beens"??

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Merrick's Marvels said:

    As others have said, a person's playing career doesn't correlate to their abilities as a coach. See Bobby Charlton or the reverse, Mourinho. Tons of others examples are available on request. Thomas Tuchel, Jurgen Klopp... 

    Coaching is about communication.  

    But if you want to go down that route the answer is:  Curtis Fleming now runs our coaching not Alex Ball, who assists. That's Curtis Fleming with 400+ appearances as a player, mostly for Boro and Palace. Curtis Fleming who played in the Premier League and Championship. The Curtis Fleming who's spent most of the last 10 years coaching at Championship clubs too. If there was a correlation, that's a pretty good CV for the likes of Bristol City, I'd say.

    I agree with you about communication though - it would be good to hear Pearson explain his thinking about these recent departures. I'm sure it's just the standard common practice of a new manager wanting to work with coaches of his choosing, not with the previous manager's coaches. Nothing more to see here, move along please. This would ordinarily have been done in the summer - the fact it wasn't indicates the scale of the mess Pearson inherited - a club in dire need of root and branch change, from top to bottom; it indicates a new manager taking his time to assess these priorities, it indicates a new manager being decent enough to give everyone at the club a chance to prove themselves, rather than being sacked on the spot.

    Also, why have 4 voices the players have to listen to at training when 2 will do - this is just about making communication from the coaches to the players as streamlined, as clear, as possible. 

    As others have said elsewhere, Pearson may or may not lead us to the Promised Land but the changes he's making, the structure and foundations he's putting in place, will stand us in good stead.

    Annd the fact he's having to do this at all is a damning indictment of how we've been run.            

    That is why at he very beginning of my post.........I said "Correct me if I am wrong"?   Equating it to communication, I had no idea who was doing what, due to the inability of the club to communicate with the fanbase?  Also if you read earlier in the post you would have seen that someone accused me of thinking that you had to be a top player, to be a top coach......and i put forward the exact names you used, to prove my point.   Good luck to CF in his endeavours to organise and motivate the squad,  God knows , that some high quality coaching is needed, as recently we have seemed just as all over the place as during previous incumbents, in regard to formations, basic passing skills and leadership.   My comments are a product of the frustration i feel at present, as I feel that very little progress is being made, and after an initial improvement we seem to be prone to all the bad habits that have been endemic at our club for the past  , who knows how long?  ha!!

  5. 12 minutes ago, The Bard said:

    Jesus, do you really think that CV = someone's ability to do the job?

    You do realise the world is full of bluffers with great CVs on the one hand with people who are good at their job but underappreciated and undervalued on the other.  A smart employer avoids the first not the second.  


    Jesus...do you not realise that CV is a generalised term not acquainted to just  a piece of paper but is an umbrella term used to determine the background and accomplishments of the individual in the interview, background checks and impressions made.  Have you ever considered joining pedants anonymous?.........Send me your CV and I will see if you qualify?

  6. 15 minutes ago, LondonBristolian said:

    Holden had a long professional career but the issue wasn't that he was appointed as a coach but that he was appointed manager. With Holden, you're talking about someone appointed to a job they've never previously shown aptitude for. With Ball, you're talking about someone appointed to do the exact same job as they are already doing but at a higher profile. That's a completely different thing.

    Personally 'm neither convinced nor unconvinced on Ball. How can I be when I know nothing about him as a coach? But I'm not going to start claiming someone with multiple years of experience as a coach who I have never personally seen coaching anyone is the wrong appointment just because he's come from inside the club rather than outside. 

     Only time will tell, and I fully appreciate patience is needed only 5 months into a so called 3 year project.  One thing I do believe is that more communication with the fanbase is needed, because if Nige loses the fanbase then it's a sinking ship.   I am frustrated at present, and maybe Alex Ball WILL work out.....i just think there is a big difference between youth coaching and the organisation of the First team squad.  Downing and Simpson came from coaching young players, and that did not work out.  I would like to see an experienced coach with a solid professional CV of First team coaching come in and organise and motivate....... ..but that is just me.

  7. 10 minutes ago, View from the Dolman said:

    You seem to be operating on the assumption that to be a good coach you need to have been a good player.

    I saw this tweet from the former Aussie cricketer Jason Gillespie which sums up the naivety of that mindset.


    No far from it....... , Klopp, Mourinho etc prove that.  You have taken one aspect of my post out of context and given it priority.  To make it clear........I DO NOT think you need to be a good player, to be a good coach.  But neither do I believe someone who coached at Bath City and youth academies is the way to go?

  8. Just now, LondonBristolian said:

    Maybe Ball is a quality coach? I have no idea but - regardless of his playing experience - he's been coaching for a long time. It might be that the reason he is being promoted - or at least being given a chance to work with the first team for now - is because Pearson and others at the club have seen that he has the attributes they need. 

    Sorry not convinced.........i remember something similar being said about some bloke called Holden?     A quality coach with a solid experienced background of coaching quality footballers is needed, from outside the club, not more in house make doing, Alex might be a lovely bloke, but is CV is not exactly stupendous?              

  9. Please all correct me if i am wrong?  Is our first team coach NOW Alex Ball who after making 1 first team appearance long ago, coached youth level at Southampton and City and had a spell at Bath City?  Surely in our current situation we need to bring in a quality coach to drill & organise a squad with no identity and no discernible consistent pattern of play.........and who are switched between 4-5-1  4-4-2 etc etc blah blah by a manager who seems not to know his best line up or formation?   A manager who rarely if ever actually coaches our first team squad, but spends his time motivating and inspiring the first team, while humiliating young players by inappropriately substituting them after half an hour?

    Sorry to drone on, but i am frustrated and concerned about what is currently going on at the club we support..........and with little or no communication to the fans who support the team through thin and thin, I am phecked off ? ? ?

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  10. On 24/10/2021 at 17:00, 1960maaan said:

    I know I posted that bit about having one of the more difficult starts and that.
    Well, next week, Barnsley ? Cannon fodder surely.
    Well my mind goes back to 1973/4, Palace were coming to the Gate. I was 14, only been going down for a few years and expected to win every game, specially this one.
    Palace hadn't't won a game all season, this was November time,16 or so games in, hadn't won. We would smash them wouldn't we?
    Wouldn't we ......



    At least Barnsley have won a game already.



    Strange how things stick in your mind.


    Probably be a draw?   I am going for 0-0  or 1-1.   We never score more than 1 at home.

  11. The Man Utd v Liverpool game yesterday highlighted to a degree part of our ongoing problems.   Liverpool were a well oiled machine, a team in every sense of the word, and so much more than their individual parts?   They had been organised and coached to a level that made them almost impossible to contain, yes their individual players are all wonderfully talented, but the secret  is in their cohesion and understanding of each other and the roles they inhabit.

    Man Utd were also blessed with a squad of superb talent and ability, the difference being, how badly they had been coached  and organised as a functioning unit?  Players of undoubted talent were outplayed and outmanourved by a Liverpool team that despite a couple of changes in personel were so well set up and disciplined, it did not matter   exactly who the individuals were ( as long as they had the required ability) as they were so well coached and  set up that they over ran a disparate Man utd  bunch of individuals.

     Bristol City's major problem is the way they are being coached, their is undoubtedly enough talent and skill in our squad to do so much better, if we we were organised and set up in a consistent pattern of tactics &. identity  I am desperately hoping that with the dismissal of Simpson and Downing, that the plan is to introduce a new coach or coaches that have sufficient talent and know how to drum into our squad the means to play as a team, as a collective unit?

    It should have happened months ago....but better late than never Eh?   If of course this all about a cost cutting exercise and we intend to retain and promote from within, then I would be deeply concerned about our prospects for the rest of the season.   FFS sort it out Nige, or the 2nd year of your 3 year plan will be in Division 1?

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  12. On 23/10/2021 at 18:02, westonred said:

    Dear Steve its time for you to come out and either back NP or sack him.

    In January we need to bring in at least 5 championship quality players two strikers two wingers and a Tough tackling midfielder.

    We could get rid of Martin, JD, Palmer, COD, Vyner and Simpson who offer us little to maybe help to fund the signings

    If NP is not allowed to shape his own squad then you might as well sack him but to find a manager with his experience who would come to BS3 is unlikely so please Steve put your hand in your deep pockets

    Yet more knee jerk drivel.........get a grip FFS?

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  13. 2 hours ago, Davefevs said:

    Not listened to any interviews, first post I’ve really got to tonight, been out watching the Bristol Flyers lose 81-82 to Surrey, which rounded off my sporting Saturday “nicely”….not.

    My summary:

    For some reason or another we’ve gone away from the basics of early season., where we looked well drilled, committed, etc, without looking hugely cohesive, but it was enough to get results.  I liked that we stuck with 442/4411, changing personnel to suit, e.g. Cardiff where we went Baker at LB, rather than go back 3 to accommodate him.  We looked flexible within a framework.  I felt encouraged.

    I hate looking at formations as the root cause because that makes me hypocritical as at best I think formations are 30% at most, and 70% is about the players.

    But….I see big issues with the way we play a back three at times.  I don’t mind it per se, but I don’t like how we go about playing it.

    Not enough marking by the 3 CBs. Against a front two, there should be no reason why Grant and Hugill are not marked tightly at all times by Kalas and Baker (in the main) knowing that Atkinson is spare.  There really shouldn’t be a case where Grant comes short and Kalas doesn’t go right up his arse.  He shouldn’t be able to turn and slide Furlong in under no pressure.

    If they don’t mark it means someone else trying to drop back like James, and therefore there is no pressure then into midfield, where we get passed around and can’t get enough pressure on the ball.  Playing three seems to result in a bit of buck-psssing, e.g. if I don’t mark my man, surely the other two will bail me out.  I don’t like that.

    I generally don’t like Dasilva at LWB, I think he gets caught playing it a bit in no-man’s land.  I know plenty on here don’t like him defensively, but I think if you get him with the play in front of him you see a better player and I think he positions himself better defensively too, even if he might have some weaknesses….at least you get the best of him on the ball….and you can build passing moves off of him.  Whether Pring could play LWB better I don’t know….but I thought he played really well at LB today.  Will observe more.

    I also think playing 2 CMs and 1 AM is asking for trouble against better teams (QPR / WBA).  You might get away with it against lesser sides.  We got dominated playing Massengo in-front of James and Bakinson at QPR (but got a smash and grab win) and ditto today with Weimann in-front of James and Massengo. Two different opponent styles, we couldn’t cope with either.  Playing them as a flat three would’ve made more sense, at least we’d have had a back eight in two main banks.  As it was we had pockets of space for West Brom to find far too often.

    Back to basics next week please Nige.  Disappointed today tactically…even more so with application and commitment.

    Pring and Wells gave good accounts of themselves today.  I didn’t always come off for Wells but at least he carried a threat.

    An interesting week ahead.

    Great observations.......  employing the two banks of four to give us more structure is definitely something we need to do more often.     The  lack of tight marking, and giving too much space is a constant problem, with certain players never knowing when to close down/lay off, and when to get tight?  I am hoping that a re- structuring of   the coaching staff might bring some improvement, i am keen to see who will be brought in?     Lets hope it is  someone who can drum good habits and more organisation into the squad?  

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  14. 3 hours ago, Akira said:

    Was one of the worst performances I've seen of City in a long time sadly. It was glaringly obvious within 5 mins or so, with the amount of back passes to Bentley that they lacked the quality and confidence against a very good West Brom team. 

    I can take teams playing better than us, being better than us, but I can't take lack of effort. Simpson when he came on looked useless. Dasilva for the first goal I didn't think tracked back anywhere near as quickly as he should've done. 

    And they could've been 5 up at half time. 

    Talking of half time, the fan who collapsed, hope he recovers, couldn't quite believe what I was hearing when the west brom 'fans' to the left started chanting "he's gonna die in a minute". Truly shocking, unless I misheard it somehow? 

    2nd half was equally as bad as the first, but they utilised the wings much much better than we did. 

    Their number 5 centre back, Bartley, was an absolute beast. 

    Didn't expect anything from the game, however I do expect effort. Which I felt we lacked in almost every position. Martin up top barely did a thing. We couldn't wait to hoof it or pass back. 

    Calling for Nige to go, still baffles me, for many reasons highlighted over this last week. He's a proven manager, who needs time. He also needs some funds to improve what is a rather shite team. Whether he'll get that, remains to be seen, but feel it's incredibly unfair to judge him when he's dealing with so much crap really. I genuinely can't see how any other manager would get a tune out of this squad. 

    Disappointing to hear the fans getting toxic, it should be aimed at the players way more than the manager, given the money they earn and the woeful performance they've given. 

    Edit - on a positive, had one of the best curries I've ever had in a lush pub called The Royal Oak, which was a pub/curry house. Spoke to some really friendly WBA fans in there too, which is always nice not having to worry about wearing your teams colours etc. 

    Martin is running on empty, and has to be rested...and Simpson probably cannot believe that he has managed to steal a years salary IMHO.

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