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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. Of all the comparisons..........Niles etc? This by far the best and closest. Thunderbirds are Go!
  2. Just got back from the pub where i watched the game............so i have not had an opportunity to trawl through the comments...............but the general opinion within the crowd of people with whom i watched the match was that the referee ruined the game with his myopic decisions and constant pettiness? England lacked ideas and motivation, but were by far the better of the 2 sides. A bit of a nothing game with nothing riding on it? Forgettable! ......and In fact i have already forgotten about it?
  3. Absolutely delighted that TC has opted to stay with our first team squad, rather than play for Scotland. Very smart and farsighted move by Tommy, that displays his loyalty and shows the new boss that he is a team player and not just after personal glory? Hopefully the time he spends at the HPC under the new coaches will prove beneficial for his game..............I believe that TC, in the future, can prove to be an outstanding striker for us..........just really hope that our new manager/coach goes down the two upfront route?
  4. Wish Henderson would hop on a camel and get lost in the desert?
  5. Apologies for stating the obvious............I put it down to the 5 pints i recently consumed?
  6. Thought they should have declared at 10-0 Ha!
  7. France are currently showing how to put a low grade side to bed? H-T 7-0!
  8. Rock On! Tommy!.............One for older viewers? Ha! STOP PRESS*** Tommy's withdrawn from squad, which i am actually pleased about.
  9. Try Anal?...................Whoops? So sorry....... I misread it?
  10. Although £4.5mill in 4 years time is not going to be the same as £4.5 mill right now? The way inflation is going it will the equivalent of about £1 mill..... not exactly great business ? Ha!!
  11. Sorry, but what you failed to mention, is that if you are a season ticket holder and you do not turn up for a home match, you and your entire extended family are summarily executed.
  12. Can only dream? But with Antoine and Alex in that side, we would be top 6? I would love to have seen Semenyo and Conway as a reqular front two? Please allow me to daydream? Ha!
  13. Thanks.............that;s really interesting.............Diedhiou at Grenada? What happened to his Turkish Adventure?
  14. Great Pep Talk.........ever thought of going into motivational speaking?...............
  15. Yep your right............my 6 foot by 4 foot wallet is where i always hide my weapons
  16. J P is a total legend..........and IMO the Best commentator ever. I dream about the day he commentates on a CITY Prem match? Probably be pushing up daisies by the time that comes around......Ha!!
  17. Doh! But that WAS NP's team, full of NP's plauer's ? I was a big fan of NP and did not want him to go.....but, there is No way that performance can be laid at Manning's door? He has only been here for 5 minutes, with no time to establish his own tactics and ethos and stamp his ideas on the team. If come the New Year and beyond there is no improvement, I will be one of the first to criticise, but give the guy a break?
  18. Be lucky to get 10 seconds of gripping action out of that Downs league match? Maybe should just do a close up feature on Dickie? As Vyner and him were the only two City players worth mentioning?
  19. I'm going for a Desmond?....................2-2
  20. Not bad........not bad at all. Beats my Knight Fever & Knight in White Satin attempts
  21. Sounds like the Oxford midfield is the complete antithesis of ours? Albeit in a Division lower?
  22. I am certain McGUANE is a good midfielder...........but interested to observe that in 88 League One apperances he has scored just 1 Goal?
  23. Well done Sam........but i believe you have gone from Excellent to just (Just! Ha!) Very Good this season, compared to last...........hopefully the new coach will get you back to Excellent? Once again Big Congrats to Sam!
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