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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. maxjak


    Good research Fevs..............at 21, he looks like a really solid exciting prospect, can see him progressing into a quality individual?
  2. We were fortunate that the best passer of a football on the pitch, got sent off. I have my doubts we would have won otherwise. The new manager has a lot of work to do, but I am so glad we got 3 points
  3. Yep...............more Cheese n' Onion than Salt n'' Vinegar?
  4. Big Shout to you Marcus................Are you not Entertained! (Gladiator reference..ha!); for this stream, saw the whole game with no buffering......Thanks for the heads up.
  5. Patently obvious that we STILL need a goalscorer in the team?
  6. unfortunately we are mainly a counter attacking side...............so faced with a packed defence we are often not smart or clever enough to create anything? Something the new manager needs to sort out?
  7. Hardly filth? Just mistimed...........I'd love him in our midfield
  8. No.....it's a comment on the Bristol City Board?
  9. Of course............Lacking Moral Reasoning?
  10. Bloke swans off to the Bahamas to lie even more?...........but this time on a Lilo?
  11. An unbiased unscripted interview with a knowledgeable sports journalist who is not connected to the club........perhaps? But that would prove too risky for people who always want to control the questions and the agenda?
  12. If Manning got the job he would probably do what a lot of new managers do......go back to where he knows, and raid his former club. I don't know Oxford too well, but i believe Branagan is their chief playmaker and top of assists. Though i could be way off? But you can guarantee he would bring in someone he rates from his former club? IF he got the job? I have my doubts it will be Manning however??
  13. Your right all this Bull Shit could have been avoided if they had just kept the right man for the job?
  14. You have a valid point.....but that was the opening market based on conjecture, this is nearly a week after, and becoming based on the weight of money, which obviously will not be huge. I often follow the money on Betfair with success, but those are larger markets? I am not convinced it is FL, but i am not dismissing it?
  15. Make of it what you will ..........Lampard Odds on Skybet now 1/4 ? And Bookie's invariable know?
  16. But surely Brick............Loved Lamps?
  17. The best club manager of recent times................Guardiola? And Zidane, Trapatonni, Deschamps, Capello, and as someone mentioned already Dalgleish. But apart from one of the greats Jock Stein (The only manager to win a European Cup with a team made up of players all from their home city?) No other Brits of any consequence I can think of? Going back a fair bit? Alf Ramsey Ha!
  18. Phew! Thank Jesus on a skateboard that he only posts every three years- ?
  19. Exactly.........the Lansdowns ego's have blighted the opportunity for NP to build our club into something special, given more time and support, i am confident he could and would have taken us to the Premiership But the meddling of two non football savvy individuals has now ruined any chance we had of achieving exactlly what Lansdown purports to be his own aim and ambition? How can such a successful and wealthy businessman be so blind and shortsighted. Those who fail to learn from history, are then doomed to continue to repeat the same mistakes. And we all are fully aware of Lansdown's ongoing record of appointing the wrong manager. He then, at last gets it right ..... , but then decides to squander the chance of likely success due to his own egocentric stubborness....I despair!
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