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Maesknoll Red

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Everything posted by Maesknoll Red

  1. Some shenanigans going on in Brazil, more drama than the Old Vic….. Hamiltons car under investigation and Verstappen called to the stewards ref a parc ferme breach.
  2. Of course I’m not suggesting a courts can find him guilty, but if he knowingly flew a plane without a licence, he is guilty, it just can’t be nailed on him in court, being dead doesn’t absolve you of crimes, albeit it makes you immune from prosecution.
  3. Can’t appear in court, but his actions were contributory, maybe more than the organiser, just like a murderer who then tops himself, is still a murderer.
  4. Doesn’t the pilot without the correct licences have some responsibility here. Henderson might have asked him to do it, he didn’t have to. Dual culpability surely?
  5. I looked at the possibility of me catching the bus to work, it would be I estimate (without any major issues) a 3.5 hour journey from my house to office and the same back, currently a 35 minute drive (or an hour in rush hour), who is going to spend 7 hours travelling 12 miles to work and 12 miles back. I honestly would struggle to travel that long on public transport that doesn’t have toilets.
  6. This is the worst bit, those of us in South Bristol won’t even be able to drive to work the other side of town or Avonmouth by using Winterstoke Road, Rownhan hill and Portbury/M5. As well as catching lots of the football traffic.
  7. Because you are in a minority, how would you cope if every car in the services wanted to share your charger……. The other thing I have said, is I don’t drive a car, I own vans and electric van mileages and their cost make it not possible on either count.
  8. That’s the break through for Pakistan
  9. The big electric con, hydrogen engines or synthetic fuels are the only realistic way for people who do more than pop round town, to actually carry on a normal life.
  10. I don’t think people are pining for him, just being realistic and his stats are no worse now than at nearly anytime in his career….
  11. Warnock would not be a long term solution, but I think without getting in someone who has been there, seen it and done it, in the very near future, we are nigh on nailed on for relegation. Once that is prevented, there is plenty of time to see if Nige can return or if we are looking to build with a longer term successor.
  12. The only point I’ll add and it’s one I’ve made before, it’s that all clubs that do not receive PP, should be demanding that every club in the championship has the right to put in the equivalent of the highest PP. I know not all could afford it, but for those that can, they are hamstrung and playing the game with one hand behind their back. The championship must be the most unfairly regulated league, financially, of any sport in the world. Surely there must be a legal case if they all stuck together and took a class action.
  13. Just seen someone post on FB, in all seriousness, that Warnock has left Boro because there is an imminent vacancy at Man U……. Looks like we won’t be getting him after all ?
  14. Quite, I doubt he hates any club, he’s a decent guy who loves football. Whether at 73 he would be the answer here now, is another question.
  15. I have never heard him say he hates us. Can you point me to where that is recorded?
  16. How many dinosaurs have we had? We have given young Mangers at the start of their careers more opportunities than most clubs.
  17. I would think looking at paying good money for under performing staff and addressing why, would be realistic. Obviously U12’s is unrealistic, but have we got U23’s, U21’s, U19’s, I would rather see keen youngsters giving their all than seasoned pros’s playing as if they were the U12’s.
  18. I think I became immune a while back, there was a time I would have been sad, mad and took solace in the pub until I could drink no more, but now I really don’t let it upset me, I have no control over it.
  19. No, the title is not a comment on today’s display, but a question, in every employment I have ever come across, there have been tools to manage people and if necessary manage them out of the business, a Poor Performance Policy being one, why do professional footballers seem to be immune from any sort of performance monitoring leading to contract cancellation.
  20. I think you might be right about ditching the Aussies out…….
  21. Should experienced professionals need coaching in passing accurately, surely that should be a requisite skill of an academy player, let alone a seasoned professional.
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