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Maesknoll Red

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Everything posted by Maesknoll Red

  1. Damn, fell foul of my usual rule of double checking meme content - it just seemed so likely to be true.......
  2. They are taking out the stations that due to safety need the most staff, to enable other stations to keep operating.
  3. This is reminiscent of a match day thread..... critical analyses of the governments actions won't provide any meaningful data and conclusions until after the event. Maybe we'll turn out to have the best figures, maybe the worst, None of us know, I have no doubt there would be flack the other way if JC and Labour were running the show, but they'd still (I hope) be following their medical officers advice. A bit of common sense with the information we already know and is becoming available hour by hour would help, I also think some more communication from the government wouldn't go amiss, but they do have to be guarded, as some people don't handle information well - especially if its not what they want to hear.
  4. Shame we don't allow more Darwinism when it comes to some of the population....
  5. It wouldn't be difficult to only allow cash purchases up to £25 and card purchases to £75 - I know some selfish bastards would go back and double up, but card purchases could be controlled to a weekly or bi-weekly limit. I haven't bought anything out of the ordinary, but yesterday the shelves were pretty bare, so it doesn't bode well and plenty seem to be taking no notice of the calls to stop panic buying. Speaking to a guy in the army, he says they are being prepared to take on guarding nuclear facilities to free up police, to stand in if delivery drivers go sick and deliver to old and vulnerable in remote areas, so plans in place and yet people still being selfish.
  6. You can’t just print money, it becomes worthless, we’ve seen it in other countries where things cost just a ridiculous amount, because the financial system isn’t viable.
  7. So where does the money come from, if there is no tax take (at least virtually nothing) and it’s being paid out hand over fist.... there must be a finite point and before that I’d expect society to break down, far too many selfish people about for it not to.
  8. Apparently this was one persons rations for a week in the war, I assume bread and veg were added, but how would many cope with that.....
  9. I still want to know when they think the tipping point is, when too many people have no work, when the government coffers are running dry and society starts to break down, because if we don't get back to some normality, that'll happen - how big a step from panic buying to looting and rioting? At some point they might have to decide to return to work and accept the consequences.
  10. My bait fridge freezer packed up, I have been totally unsuccessful in trying to get a cheap second hand one to replace it, you can usually get them for free.....
  11. Almost as if the reporting could be slightly erroneous......
  12. That's that plan foiled then, when I looked earlier, there was none....
  13. I think I'm off to Russia, no cases on the map..... https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
  14. I blame the weather, we need a nice 2 week cold snap with hard frosts, my Gran always used to say that killed the germs - she was a housewife though, not a biologist......
  15. I thought we were still following that plan, it just ramps up as things progress.
  16. I guess you are busy, my mate in Glos Elderly William is on 12 hour days, 7 days with alternative sat or Sun off. All leave cancelled until review in June....
  17. It’s an unprecedented situation, anyone expecting everything to be neatly organised and announced on day one is jumping the gun, things will change day by day, so there is no point in getting all excited or upset until something you want is definitively ruled out.
  18. Just announced that those who have insurance can claim, too many gun jumpers on here....
  19. I was talking in the terms of the mini thread here, reference entertainment venues, concerts, festivals and other ‘events’ probably have more risk covered on a one off event policy, than a business buying annual insurance. There will be exceptions, some organiser will have taken the risk themselves, some businesses might have the top level of cover, but many won’t.
  20. No worries, I didn’t make it clear I worked in insurance, albeit a long time ago, selling General Branch, I did think that it wouldn’t have changed much in those intervening years. Events will probably be covered, the general business, unless the owners had great foresight and the budget, probably haven’t got that level of cover. The only way these businesses will survive is with aid or this being a very short term lockdown.
  21. I will admit it’s 30 years since I left the insurance industry, but this article backs up my point. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-51927691
  22. I doubt many small businesses have insurance that covers such a scenario, so not sure how that is protecting insurance companies, it’s big one off events like Glastonbury that are likely to be insured, rather than a local pub or restaurant.
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