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Maesknoll Red

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Everything posted by Maesknoll Red

  1. All rational thought lost, if it was ever there in the first place. Why on earth would SL be wasting his time on scuppering a irrelevant club, that is actually doing a great job of it themselves......
  2. Haven’t drunk myself into a comatose state for many years, the day they go bust and end up in the lower echelons of nonleague could well be the next time ????
  3. Dalman is the Chairman of a public company. https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/00109065/officers He has to ensure that any payments are made in conjunction with rules and regulations, not particularly palatable in a case like this, but he could be in trouble if he did not take due diligence in this matter.
  4. The body brought up from the plane has been identified as Emiliano Sala.
  5. I think that was a public glimpse of the real man, I know someone who knows him and he is far removed from his pantomime villain image that is his public persona. You’d have to be some sort of psychopath not to be affected if you have spent weeks talking with someone and then employing them, only for this tragic accident to happen.
  6. It’s looking like a terrible tragedy, such a sad loss of a young man embarking on a new chapter in his career. As has been said, interclub and even inter country rivalry has no place whilst this news is still raw. I well remember our own upset and subsequent truce with Millwall after Dean Horrix died, so can only empathise with those involved.
  7. The regulations don’t require it, the weight was a big factor, but now data recorders can be so light and small, it looks like they will come under the regs in future, so that might extend to location transponders. https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/dfu/NPA 2017-03.pdf
  8. It was a dark day for us when they sacked Clarke...... he was doing a sterling job, could he have even been an undercover agent, having been groomed and turned this season..... Maybe mentioning grooming wasn’t a good idea..
  9. From a dog... er, enthusiast, to a Mad Dog, would be quite appropriate...
  10. Are you selling him in Jan to promotion contenders.....
  11. I’d prefer for the dog botherer to stay whilst he’s doing such a cracking job.
  12. “You’re sure you saw Fido with that pampered poodle from down the road...” ”Honestly, you’re sure, the bastard is cheating on me” ”I can’t even take solace in my players, they are just dog shit and whilst I’m dodgy, even that’s not part of my canine fantasy’ - two dogs one cup doesn’t float my boat”....
  13. There was talk in the pubs, clubs and workplace, the Evening Post and the Green 'Un and the local news, no forums, no email, no social media, a very different world, yet it didn't stop there being lots of vitriol and glee at our imminent demise. If you didn't experience it, its hard to describe, the pubs were still busy back then, Thursdays were payday, there were collections, people who had never invested in anything other than William Hill and Courages were buying into schemes to save the club and it was an emotional time. The fact that other clubs offered hands of friendship at that time and the sags were ready to dance on our grave, is more than enough for me to never want to see them prosper.
  14. The way football is going, its struggling to support the 92 clubs spread around the country, if they were to fold and disappear, the longer term move would be for those that wanted to attend live football would go to the one club. If we managed to reach the Prem and get established (I know, a bit pie in the sky, but one day....?) then surely any rivalry would be with the nearest Prem club (Cardiff?) and the smaller clubs would be forgotten. I don't see Man U seeing Bury or Stockport as rivals, Liverpool and Tranmere, Arsenal and Leyton Orient? Rational or not, I would very much enjoy seeing them go bust, karma after the way many of them behaved in 82!!!!
  15. I am really confused by the section of the post I have highlighted, what in their history would make a neutral more likely to choose them over us as a ream to follow? Neither club has a great track record, but ours would pan out better and in recent years, a lot better, is there a historical gem I am unaware of?
  16. And the theatre begins, plenty of hype to come now.
  17. Thanks for that mental image I am now having to try and flush away with alcohol.....
  18. Needs a nutritionist and a PT as well by the look of him!!
  19. Selective memory loss..... you were at the front of the queue ?
  20. Not so sure about all the outrage, I reckon if there was an adults only bar at AG screening such things, it would be rammed every match day....... I can remember some trips to Wycombe and the pub there that had Saturday lunchtime strippers, was hardly boycotted by horrified City fans ?
  21. I struggle to comprehend that any of them can actually believe that sort of complete and utter bollocks. I want to see them fail, go bust and disappear, I have never admired any single thing about them, begrudgingly or not. We have a few fans who could be described as not the brightest, but they are in a minority, whereas they seem to have polar opposites, a majority of blind faithful, who have taken all this time to see, what was clearly and plainly laid out for them when Wael took over. They are an embarrassment, a parody of themselves that just keeps growing, they really have no stick to beat us with and I can’t believe that they are still trying, as with every attempt they look more and more ridiculous.
  22. It’s hardly a rumour, although some of them seem to live in La La Land and still believe the fake Sheikh will deliver them a temple built of gold........
  23. It would be good to put this firmly to bed, or to have an investigation, it’s dragged on long enough.
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