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Everything posted by Maltshoveller

  1. Groves not world class in a million years Will he become world champ? Yes well looked after
  2. Rigiondeaux wont be that easy to hit!!!!!
  3. Letting Pro boxers into the Olympics could end in tears SHOCKING
  4. The words "Flat track bully" were designed just for luke wright
  5. The Championship is a very hard league May be next season we can give our club(CITY) 100% and stop giving a monkeys what the gas do
  6. Watch that fight again Douglas hit tyson with big shots round after round The reason the fight lasted as long as it did was beacuse Tyson was a true champion
  7. Have to say it Loads (not all) on here dont deserve Championship football Only sing when we are winning Now is the time to support the team
  8. He is one of the best pound for pound out there at present But for me he best is Guillermo Rigondeaux
  9. In all fairness 40k for a one off match doesnt mean that much If you got that every week then you could call it incredible
  10. Kieswetter!!! You must be a somerset fan
  11. I agree about stokes But watch the way he got out today!!! Sums up the whole tour Its TEST cricket To many of the England batsman gave their wicket away to cheep
  12. Of our top order batsman the only ones i would keep are COOK ROOT BELL STOKES
  13. I think buttler is a great player to watch but to say his keeping is excellent is way off the mark Average at best
  14. End of the day I dont give a monkeys who our new manager is As long a he does a good job
  15. Just heard a rumour that Caburys are bringing out a brand new Oriental chocolate bar, but it might just be a Chinese Wispa
  16. A 60 yard pass out to a winger will not get you an assist That will go to Anderson
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