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One Team

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Everything posted by One Team

  1. So are fans. Literally. **** me what have you done Lansdown. The world was yours and you ****** it.
  2. Agreed mate. Literally people fighting each other at the final whistle. It’s shocking and all on Lansdown.
  3. Record listeners tomorrow. People are pissed off.
  4. He looks and sounds like a PE teacher who’s been asked to do double maths. **** off you charlatan and take Lansdown with you.
  5. We are absolutely ****** right now. At the end of the game people were literally at each other’s throats arguing about the position. Any togetherness we had under Nige has eroded.
  6. I’ve seen enough. Go.
  7. Might disrupt the Welsh getting here?
  8. The prodigal sons return? I can see the social media video now, “Unfinished Business”!
  9. Weirdly it would be a way of getting back some credibility and support from fans; that is, if this continues that Manning leaves and they admit they got it wrong. Not that I’d trust them to replace him with the right person mind you!
  10. I don’t think many people would expect much, if anything, out of the Ipswich game mid week but tomorrow and the next home game against Swansea are crucial for Manning IMHO. Win both and he will win some favour. Lose one or both but play well and perhaps some muted discontent and praise. Lose one or both badly and it will be quite toxic.
  11. According to Lansdown it’s his club! Seriously though completely agree with you. We will be here long after those muppets have gone.
  12. Yep, he knows he’s safe with Lansdown whatever happens this season. They are in for a shock if we lose Saturday and then again against Swansea.
  13. Wish he’d replace GT. So much to unpack there and thank you @Silvio Dante for the summary. Some seriously concerning statements from Manning for me, particularly the rose tinted view on how things were, not being adaptable and always right and “makes me laugh” comment. He won’t be laughing if we lose against Cardiff.
  14. Good to hear Fevs some sensible balance rather than the RobinsTV output of late.
  15. Given that we booed Marlon Pack and Aden Flint, two club legends in my opinion as part of that double winning team, I fully expect Fam to be significantly booed.
  16. And there we go, scores the equaliser. Not good enough for us though!
  17. Having checked with Tinnion first!
  18. Is that Manning and Hogg at the bar with their back to him?
  19. Under Nige I thought we were starting to see some development of an academy player into the first team. Has Manning actually played him?
  20. This post needs to be pinned to the home page for future reference!
  21. GT has had Lansdown on toast before!
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