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One Team

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Everything posted by One Team

  1. Skuse was one of those players who lots of people seemed to rate, but I never saw what they did. I guess everyone has one of those! I will say though I know from personal experience what a fantastic man he is and he was a superb ambassador for the club.
  2. May well increase his value by what Ipswich fans think he’s worth!
  3. Yes, they are being appointed next week and their replacement is being interviewed the week after!
  4. A joke of a club still trying to dine out on past glory with a narcissistic chancer of a CEO.
  5. Indeed, think it’s fair to say that will kick off after!
  6. Martin for them, Wells for us feels like the ironic scoreline!
  7. Probably not a popular opinion but part of me would like to see Millwall get promoted. The Premier League wouldn’t know what’s hit them. Metaphorically and literally!
  8. One of my least favourite ex-City players and forever tainted with Gas now. I’m pretty sure GJ has referred to his dreadful attitude in a past interview (Cider with perhaps).
  9. You’ve got to hand it to Warnock, he gets a job done.
  10. Bielsa to Allardyce in two seasons, wow…. That said he’s probably the sort of person who can get something out of them in 4 games and may just keep them up.
  11. Don’t disagree Fevs, more a tongue in cheek comment from me. As others have said, whilst not as straight talking as Gould he’s a world away from Ashton and clearly got credible experience.
  12. Pretty decent interview. Not as plain speaking as Gould but nowhere near Ashton; although I did get a bit of sick in my mouth when he said “we need to sweat the asset”.
  13. Nice to see a ref make a big decision without VAR for a change. Bonkers first half, love it!
  14. That misplaced midfield pass was a shocker, but fair play to Vardy superb goal. Massively entertaining game though!
  15. Interesting. GT has said PA has been specifically wanting to be in the background and has declined interviews up until now.
  16. Interesting looking at Everton’s forum. A lot wanting Dyche out if they go down; which seems a bit harsh it’s hardly been a situation of his making. Also, he’s just what they need to get back up if they do go down. Every single game would be tough for them though, as many big teams have found out if they get relegated.
  17. Fantastic post, nailed my thoughts and views there also.
  18. Yes, 2006 I was there that day, definitely more than 13 years ago!
  19. How disappointing. Any idea when the Bristol event news will come out? Second class yet again ?. Thanks for the reply mate.
  20. Good points and that was a bit Mark Ashton that part of the interview. He clearly had a lot of influence with the Johnson’s but had none of that with SC and is no doubt the same with NP.
  21. Is there a Weston all dayer planned for this summer does anyone know?
  22. Great post. Just listened to the interview, it’s always good to hear from him but his comments came across as pretty arrogant today with little in the way of self awareness; at least that which he’d share on local radio. The issues he talked about were entirely of his making with numerous poor decisions. Clearly, he’s been good overall and we’re all grateful for the stadium, HPC and academy, but the failures are his as much as the successes. It’s also pretty clear there will be no Lansdown dynasty; he’s selling up if he can. I also noted when asked of his favourite memories he reeled off the ones we all would, but didn’t mention the double/title winning season at all.
  23. Appreciate the opinions of those thinking he might stay or come back on loan, but IMHO I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a bang to rights player leaving (as in sale to a higher level) as Alex.
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