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One Team

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  1. Is that correct? If we are thinking of the same individual he was a security guard, not steward. As I’ve said on this thread, the stewards weren’t an issue. In fact one I spoke to after it happened thought the security guards being in there was causing more issues than it was (presumably) set up to resolve.
  2. Similar to what I saw except it was not a steward it was a security guard who was also joined by his team leader. He was hauled away to the back of the standing section but was still hanging around there for a while but disappeared second half. This security guard physically grabbed at least one person from what I saw which then escalated quickly.
  3. I asked a steward about this last night, who, to paint a more positive picture of them was actually reasonable. I normally enter via the Dolman entrance where no checks are made before the turnstiles. Yesterday I came in from KFC and was stopped and asked to show my ticket. When I asked why and the difference between the Dolman entrance the rationale he gave was “this route and the whole back of the Lansdown is a public access area usually so on match days we ask to see tickets”. Perplexed at the answer I showed my ticket and carried on. If it’s a public access route why is there a need to show tickets? To the above point what if someone just wants to walk along the back of the Lansdown. Maybe go to the shop, maybe get a drink but not watch the game. Given you need to show your ticket at the turnstiles it does seem rather pointless.
  4. Thanks, last night was the first time I’ve seen them in the singing/standing section.
  5. I didn’t notice them in there for the Norwich game, were they there then?
  6. You might be correct there mate; although I thought that was in the Dolman from what I saw, albeit near the singing/standing section.
  7. As I’ve said, there were absolutely no issues with the stewards, that was being sung to the security guards who waded into a group of fans who were celebrating the goal.
  8. By singing section I mean the official safe standing area.
  9. Stewards or security? It was a private security firm in the singing section.
  10. Possibly an unpopular opinion but I think we’ve looked better without Weinmann in the team. His reintroduction today made us look weaker and his passing and crossing were off. A great player of course but will be interesting to see how we adjust him back in.
  11. Exactly. Have no idea why the club felt they were needed, it was very heavy handed and over the top. Even when police have been in there on very rare occasions there hasn’t been any problems. Today they were intimidating from the start of the game and the inevitable flash point came when we scored and a couple of fans were grabbed and man handled for celebrating. I hope this was a one off and the end of this ill thought out and unnecessary introduction.
  12. Doing what is done every home game, singing, chanting, absolutely nothing different to any other home game this season.
  13. Intimidating behaviour from the start, having a go at various people for enjoying themselves singing then when we scored and it went mad as usual they waded into a couple of lads by me, which then caused obvious problems.
  14. What on Earth for?! Causing loads of problems in the first half, loads of complaints to the stewards and man handling people when we scored.
  15. First time I can recall this ever happening.
  16. I don’t think I can recall a game ever not going on general sale before, even the fairly recent Man Utd game.
  17. Unless they became members just to get a ticket?
  18. No need for that Harry, seems to be the way with some of them as per my post above.
  19. There was a thread on stewards recently and I commented then on how I’m not sure they know what their job is, the approach and standard is all over the place. A few games ago I happened to be at the ground much earlier than usual, it was still very quiet. Walking along the back of the Lansdown, minding my own business a steward walked towards me and barked “got a ticket?”. I replied “yes, thank you” and continued my stride. He tried to prevent me continuing and further barked “show me”, to which I said “why?”. He said “cuz!”. I replied “Cuz? What sort of reason is that?” and carried on walking. If he’d politely spoken to me and said something along the lines of “excuse me would it possible to see your ticket for todays game, we are just doing some spot checks” then no bother. On Section 82, they haven’t and didn’t at any point move to the Dolman, some of the singing section did though, although a lot appeared to be back yesterday.
  20. What’s the usual approach for getting drink at Cardiff away then? Sounds like getting in pubs is unlikely, is there a Welsh equivalent of the Natch Wall? ?
  21. Result doesn’t really portray the game, Wrexham did superbly, Sheffield United know they’ve had a game.
  22. Great game. Superb support from Wrexham too, 4,700 all standing and singing.
  23. Based on our run of results and form I had expected it to be Matty James TBH.
  24. Sounds like the American version of Lee Johnson there Harry! ?
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