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One Team

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Everything posted by One Team

  1. About as shit a potential draw as we could get. At least we are at home, not as though that matters too much!
  2. Much better second half but so many wasted half chances and a superb cock up early on essentially means a pretty fair if frustrating result.
  3. Indeed, gave away the ball again there. He's brilliant and frustrating as you say.
  4. Agreed, players on the Downs would know what to do in that situation let alone Max and Atkinson.
  5. I agree, is the only reason Bentley isn't playing is that he's off? How Max is keeping him out of the team at the moment baffles me.
  6. I agree watching it back, it's poor from Atkinson but Max causes the problem. Again.
  7. Quite Pete, that's nothing to do with Pearson, that's just amateurish from Max and Atkinson. Five a side football shocking that.
  8. What the **** was that??! Shocking. What were Max and Atkinson doing there?!
  9. Hmmmmmm, sorry I don't get that. I just kept closing pop ups and the footage started, I didn't get that.
  10. Just keep closing the pop ups Dolls, took me 20 or so times but eventually you get a 'play' button.
  11. You can see them moving the netting on the footage, block by the Dolman.
  12. Superb mate, working now! Great stream, lets hope it stays!
  13. Was about to ask the same Dolls, please could people post good links if they find them (I’m looking too!)?
  14. Agreed with this, much prefer a decent actual presenter backed up by ex pros.
  15. Bastards won again then. They couldn’t could they? ?
  16. I was quoting what Albert said in the podcast.
  17. I don't think any of us begrudge a player leaving for bigger and better things (Brownhill), it’s when heroes move side ways or to a rival it hurts (Goater, Flint etc).
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