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Everything posted by Super

  1. Let's hope this Smith turns up next round. He'll certainly have the crowd with him.
  2. What a game. Fair play to Smith.
  3. Superb stuff. Can't help but like both players.
  4. So poor. White is bang average as well.
  5. Move somewhere out of the city easy access to ring Rd and motorways.
  6. That was seriously impressive by Rydz.
  7. Cross is getting close to Price in terms of bring a Grade A knob.
  8. Pretty sure we can list 38m in wasted signings in the past 3 years.
  9. Tournament is a bit of a joke now.
  10. Plsy the Lions team and send all this lot home. Could they really do any worse?
  11. Norwich Watford and Burnley will go down.
  12. Enjoyed that game. Newcastle were superb unlucky not to win.
  13. Like a better version of Traore.
  14. Agree with most of that apart from Wood. I always thought Abell should have been given a go at some stage but he has probably missed the boat now.
  15. Those bloody bowlers again...
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