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Everything posted by Super

  1. Dare I say it but we have really missed COD today.
  2. Prob a fair score. We started well but as per usual it never lasts. Don't get me started on Martin again just so bad.
  3. Is this the test we were supposed to have the best chance of winning?!
  4. What an incredible game. 2 young stars amazing way to win a match.
  5. Utterly pathetic. So predictable.
  6. You just know we are going to be 30-3 tonight.
  7. Games being called off everywhere doubt it will happen.
  8. I don't think LH will call it a day he'll want that 8th title.
  9. I think if numbers are bad today all football will be off at least until boxing day or More likely new year
  10. This is rubbish from Robinson.
  11. His keeping has improved so much but you have to take that. As easy as it gets.
  12. Need 2 or 3 tonight or we are pretty much done.
  13. If you use Wood in short spells you could have played him. If he can't play 2 tests together he shouldn't be there.
  14. Still looks pretty light what time does it get dark?!
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