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Posts posted by Taylor10

  1. And JET has ? He is an absolute disgrace to his profession.

    If ever a player has shown a total lack of interest and effort for a game...then he is your man.

    JET has been off form the last few weeks but a disgrace to his profession? Give over. 18 goals and 13/14 assists? Granted he doesn't always bust a gut as such, certainly didn't tonight but that's a complete over reaction.

    Apparently JET is a model pro. You say he's a disgrace to his profession yet call for his replacement in Barnett, who was fined at Posh for a night out on the piss when he wasn't meant to? That a disgrace to his profession too? Surely he can't be expected to win us games every week? Other players have to show some balls. At least JET tries things. Tyrone Barnett could not trap a bag of cement at Brentford. Most of the 'hard work' he has done off the ball in his time here is because he is chasing back after a crap touch or losing the ball.

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  2. That wasn't good to hear the cheering as he left the pitch. On saturday in a flat back four he looked far more assured with flint.

    A pity Thomas wasn't subbed, who would have deserved sarcastic cheers for yet another aimless lazy pathetic performance.

    Sorry , but the sooner i see the back of him the better.

    Bryan like Reid, another of our great academy products who looks totally out of his depth and lacking any fight....for a local lad.

    Barnett and burns not starting was the biggest cock up of many tonight, he should have swallowed his pride and bit the bullet with 352.

    Barnett started at Brentford and was shit. Showed absolutely no signs of a man desperate to play.

  3. Next time you hear that, turn around and tell them to **** off face to face. I'm surprised nobody did. Believe me, they will listen.

    But for now report the incident to the club, do you know exactly where they were sat?

    This was the problem. I have never seen the bloke there before. He was sat a few rows in front of me but he knew people in or around him. He kept complaining about paying 24 quid to watch 'this shit'. However when the rain started blowing towards us he moved around and swapped seats a few times. He then moved to a row behind me which was more or less empty. My mate and I over heard him utter the racist remark. He didn't shout it but I heard and so did my mate. We both looked at each other shocked and angry. This was literally on the half time whistle. As the half time whistle went I followed him to confront him but the half time rush meant I didn't see where he went. I was absolutely fuming and reported it to a steward and said I would point the bloke out when he came back. Unfortunately he didn't come back for the second half.


    Trouble is how can you prove it from the evidence there? If he is there against Coventry I will make sure I record any remarks. This is the problem the bloke is clearly an ignorant racist. I telling off won't stop idiots like that. The worst thing was his son, probably in his twenties joined him shortly before half time and they were discussing how they should leave early as to not put up with the rubbish on show. I guess that's what the did. Aside from a poor performance on the pitch that well and truly ruined the day for me. I am still absolutely raging.

  4. That wasn't pretty but much needed.

    I can't believe I actually said we shouldn't need Marv today....even though he has been our best player the last few games.

    As for some of the fans today absolute disgrace. One bloke in the row in front of me making racist comments about JET. Complete and utter tosser and the type of 'fan' that shouldn't be anywhere near the club.

  5. I agree great to have Waggy back in there, I don't think anyone works harder in our team personally.

    Yeah he does work hard. I have been critical of him in an attacking sense this season as for me he doesn't offer enough, but work rate is superb. The shape of the side hasn't looked as good without him in the wing back role. It really suits Waggy.

    Marv also a big unlucky to be left out today. Been our best player the last 3 games but he's only been at his best when we are on the back foot. We shouldn't need him today. I expect us to get a real grip in the centre of the park with the 3 we have in there today.

  6. That's a very very strong team. Never thought I would say this but glad Wagstaff is back. Not quite creative enough going forward in a more advanced role but his work rate suits right wing back perfectly.

    I expect a comfortable win today....feeling confident! 3-0 City, Baldock 2 JET 1

  7. Excellent post and I agree with everything you have said.

    However, the opening goal wasn't Flint's or Parish's fault as it was actually mine! Just after successfully clearing the one beforehand that you mention I decided it was a good idea to pipe up with 'at least Flint has stopped scoring own goals'. So yeah, egg on mine and I take responsibility for the own goal. Sorry everyone.

    Haha good honesty mate. We've all done it.

    Even if he didn't nudge it past Parish we would have more than likely gone onto get beat.

  8. Right here's my take from tonight's game.

    We actually started the game ok. For the first 15 we were on top but after it went downhill fast. The rest of the game was a non event. So poor.

    Interesting team selection. Yes Osbourne scored but why square pegs in round holes from the start at RWB again? Scored a great goal to be fair.

    Flint will get slaughtered for the OG but I wouldn't blame him. Shortly before he dealt with a ball very similar that Parish should have come and claimed, but no, as is always the case rooted to his line. 5mins later cross comes in, Flint can't trust him, tries to deal with it....disaster. We seriously need another keeper if Fielding is not worth another go. Parish just can't be trusted.

    3 incredibly weak goals conceded again tonight and we just couldn't live with Brentford's movement. At first I thought we looked solid in a 3-5-2 under SC but we have looked anything but now the honeymoon period is over. I think El-Abd is the type of defender and character we have needed for a long time but I just don't believe he can play on either side of a back 3. He was absolutely carved to shreds first half. Admittedly Osbourne going off injured didn't help him out at all (even though he shouldn't be RWB) but time after time Brentford got in behind El-Abd and caused us an awful lot of problems down that side of the pitch. For me El-Abd either needs to play in the centre of a back 3, or as one of only 2 centre halfs, so that the full backs can tuck round and cover. I'm sure he will be a good signing for us but so far he has been horribly exposed when either side of a back 3.

    For all those calling for JET to be dropped in favour of Barnett....seriously get real. This was apparently because Barnett would be 'hungry' or have a 'point to prove'....all based on a few non existing sub appearances and he's suddenly deemed fit to start over our main man? I suggest you pay a bit more attention in the future, because tonight you got your wish and it didn't work at all. I accept he's short on match practice and when fit will be a good addition but as a pair Barnett and Baldock were never even close enough. SC must have been watching a different game to me, he said Barnett 'worked his socks off for 90mins'....ummmm well Steve if that's work rate then it makes JET look like he has the work rate of Roy Keane in his prime. Barnett couldn't trap a bag of cement tonight and at 1-1 missed an absolutely glaring opportunity. He won a few good headers but hold up play very poor and didn't take any pressure off of us when needed.

    The only player that can come out with any kind of credit was Marv. Purely on effort, nothing more. To be fair to Flint as well he never gave up.

    Had we kept it at 2-1 until HT we may have had a chance but as per silly mistakes. The second half was gutless and as bad as I've seen all season. Absolutely no fight what so ever and apart from a snap shot from Barnett created nothing.

    What worries me most is under SC I didn't think we would be so gutless and lacking fight. Hope tonight and Wolves are a one off. I personally don't buy the whole bollocks of....'oh well what did you expect' or we were 'never going to win' it doesn't excuse that tonight. We need to buck up our ideas and fast.

  9. Why are people laying into Flint? Especially those who haven't seen the goal. An identical cross came in shortly before which Flint dealt with because Parish yet again wouldn't come off his line. Flint felt he had to deal with it as Parish can't be trusted. 3 piss poor goals again. El Abd getting pulled all over the place

  10. Agreed. Honestly in disbelief at people being happy at our top scorer, top assist maker and all round best player left out

    I just hope there isn't anything else to it? Due to Reid also being left out I don't think there is as it's clearly a more direct approach.

    Staggered that some are happy at JET being left out. Nothing amazes me with BCFC though.

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  11. He's left a natural RWB on the bench to play a CB there, again.

    With Elliott at CM, our 2 only creative playmakers on the bench and Barnett upfront we're looking at 90 mins of long ball

    Yeah and with the state of this pitch it won't be pretty.

    We have clearly come for a point. Disappointing team selection to say the least.

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  12. One of your worst posts ever I'm afraid monkeh.

    If the top scorer in this division has 15 goals then, on the chances we've witnessed, Baldock should be top scorer by some way.

    Simple as that, and no one's 'picking on' Baldock, or trying to 'destroy him' - quite the opposite, the AG crowd have been remarkably supportive, as has the manager, his team mates, and everyone else, while he's displayed some nightmare finishing.

    His conversion rate remains a valid discussion for this forum and there's really no need to drag down the thread with comments like the above.

    It does seem it's run it's course now though - apparently discussion and opinion on Baldock's missed chances simply isn't allowed, and anyone putting forward arguments that he should have done better MUST want to drive him out of the club. :doh:

    To be honest I don't see the problem in having an opinion and constructive debate about it.

    Can people not accept that others may have a difference of opinion without wanting 'destroy him'

    What an utterly ridiculous and petulant statement.

    Don't say I didn't warm you Nogbad! Soon you will be accused of forcing him out of the club ;)

  13. Weren't both of his goals away to MK one on one's plus his first goal on Saturday?

    No his first goal away at MK Dons was a half volley in the box after good work from Bobby Reid.

  14. In my defence, I am more than happy to have a reasoned debate without any need for personal insults...with most!

    My main concern is that because of the amount of fuss that's been made about Baldock's missed chances (despite the stats showing he's amongst the most clinical in the league), this presents a problem in itself.

    Now, every single time Baldock has a goalscoring opportunity, he will be expected to score, and there will be loud groans every single time that doesn't happen, when the stats show that even players like Suarez miss 3 out of 4 chances they have.

    I'd like to think that only 3 out of every 4 times Baldock fails to score, the crowd won't get on his back, but I know different.

    Completely agree mate and it has become an issue with some. I wont ever stop supporting him no matter how many chances he misses. All good strikers miss them.

    What concerns me is the lack of composure and unfortunately he seems to miss chances at crucial times on a consistent basis. Coupled with our defensive issues it's often coming back to bite us on the back side at the moment.

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  15. Not really. I just don't see the point at blaming the bloke for being a crap 1 one on 1 finisher because we bought him for loads from a Premier League team. What he earns, where he comes from and how much we bought him for are all completely irrelevant to him missing one on ones. All that is the choice of the people that bought him. He hasn't scored that many or been prolific before we bought him, so for a 22 year old (when we bought him) he was very much a gamble.

    He is rubbish at one on ones, but he has scored 14. His goal scoring ratio is improving. Undoubtedly his one on one finishing will improve as hr improves his game.

    He is getting slaughtered by many as the sole reason we are shite.

    Sorry it is wrong and many of the reasons given (cos he cosy too much) is wrong.

    Now I have started sounding like Ian Holloway I'll stop :)

    It wasn't directed at you TRL. More at idiots like Monkeh ;)

    The blame can't solely be placed at Baldocks door. You're right those that sanctioned it are at question too, especially when Pitman was literally given away.

    Me personally I feel underwhelmed by the money paid for him. Don't think we have had value for more and his lack of composure doesn't represent value for money. I've had my say on this many times and always like to think I offer constructive debate. I wouldn't start calling you an idiot just because you don't share the same view like some clowns on here do ;)

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