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Everything posted by Fordy62

  1. He obviously trusted Johnson because he was his mate (realistically the only reason he got the job) and Ashton must’ve impressed him by doing a fairly reasonable job by selling so many of Cotts’ squad early doors. So he evidently (and naively) gave them fully control. Ultimately he backed the wrong horse and no we have no resources. Oh well, Nige is slowly sorting but out so the next manager can have a good go.
  2. The Crown Jewels argument always gets me. MA and LJ were allowed to reinvest the money, they were just rubbish at it. Good recruitment allows you to sell your best players, but barring a couple (Webster & Brownhill), Ashton & Johnson were complete dross.
  3. Yes. Really! Turning into a hat. If you’re looking to earn a few quid drop me a PM.
  4. If ederson is playing I reckon it’s only 1-0.
  5. This game is desperately crying out for KDB. He’s a class above anything on show this avo.
  6. Oooh… drop me a pm and let me know how much! And FFS don’t tell my wife.
  7. Next question… isn’t there a chap around who turns old shirts into hats?
  8. Yes! ??? the main picture is the wrong way round on eBay so I missed it! Cheers.
  9. Afternoon all, Does anyone have the 14/15 purple shirt kicking around? I love the purple and it has to be 14/15 because that’s when we were good! Will obviously send money your way. Size is unimportant! Cheers!
  10. I feel like you’ve had that idea for a Dasilva pun on a post it note on the fridge for ages. It can finally come down now.
  11. Ade Akinbiyi obviously. The only man capable of taking him would be Shaun Taylor.
  12. Oh I like Andy. He’s consistent. I like that about him. The day he’s positive is the day he’s been murdered and someone is pretending to be him.
  13. They’re a league below where they should be anyway so it’s really doesn’t matter too much if they do go up. Im more interested in what happens if Joey gets convicted.
  14. This has got smash and grab written all over it.
  15. Did one of their assists come from a player who used to play for us? Amadi -Holloway?
  16. Suppose it depends if you factor in resources or not. I can’t afford a Ferrari, but if you gave me £500k I damn sure could.
  17. Sorry mate. It just makes me cross!
  18. I’m a forum where we very often fall out, the above brings a lovely ‘warm inside’ feeling. You can be proud of yourselves there boys. Anyway, I’m back off to the “on this day in 2015” thread where I’m undoubtedly gonna fall out with some over Cotts/LJ. ?
  19. A manager who deserved more than he got. Followed by a manager who got more than he deserved. And here we are.
  20. And boy was he brilliant for us. Probably the most entertaining player I’ve ever seen in a city shirt.
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