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Everything posted by PHILINFRANCE

  1. They don’t have a striker. Full Stop!
  2. Current run rate for this partnership: 0.14! But, if they can hang around for another half an hour or so until the sun comes out....
  3. Oh Well, if they can limit to just the one wicket....
  4. Back out batting now - 21 overs left in the day, so 40/50 runs and no wickets down would be ideal.
  5. Worcs batting points are of no relevance - it is Derby/Yorks who are of more concern.
  6. Many Thanks! A shame I didn't ask a couple of hours ago....
  7. I can't seem to find the stream today. Does anybody have a link? Thanks in advance.
  8. Three times.... Spurs, Forest and Man City.
  9. Should have been, but those three quick wickets will make it difficult. Mind you, the wides (now 10) might help!
  10. Babar has just been bowled. It will be interesting to see whether the viewing figures (circa 5,000/12,000 depending upon the the stream) go down or even whether the stream continues - just dropped to 1,000 and 9,000.
  11. For anybody intereted, the match is being streamed live on YouTube. For some reason ?, the commentary appears to be in Urdu! The commentator sounds as if he is describing a close finish in the Grand National rather than a cricket match.
  12. A propos overanalysing, your friend AGod has thoughtfully provided a breakdown of the expected points table following close of play tomorrow - based on the weather forecast for the rest of today and tomorrow.
  13. To be fair, AGod is not the only one criticising the late declaration. Personally, I am torn between the idea of encouraging young Tom L to get his maiden first class century and the risk of jeopardising yet again another nailed on 16 points win.
  14. 375 would seem extremely unlikely; I fear the weather rather than Glos. batting. Perhaps the declaration was slightly late, but a nice touch, nevertheless, to give Tom L the chance to get his maiden century.
  15. Or at least let him have a thrash for a few more overs and then declare, but why use two further overs for JD to bat.
  16. My apologies?. It wasn’t you, it was @Lrrr, ex-Hodge I believe, back on page 275.
  17. When the fixture list came out, you were moaning that our away fixtures would necessitate expensive hotel costs. It looks like this match will need just the single overnight stay.
  18. Anybody any idea why George Dockrell is not playing for Ireland? Injured, or not suitable for the playing conditions?
  19. Thanks for that, although I don't really read Rovers' match reports as I have enough of a laugh about them on this thread. Whilst your explanation does make sense, I am not sure why he would receive such negative comments as I thought he was a local boy. From GasHeads: 'Presumably Stevie K is popping the champagne corks right now.' From GasChat: 'Can't wait for SteveK's farewell message to Ollie. "Dear Ollie, I saw someone trying to drown some kittens the other day and I'm pretty sure it was you. Thanks for getting the football season cancelled by the way. I'll never forgive you. With hate, Steven Kaufman".
  20. Hi Miah, Sorry to go off at a tangent, but I notice from your GasChat and GasHeads forums that mention is made of some 'dislike' between the now-departed Ollie Clarke and a certain Steve(n?) Kaufman. I don't recall his name in any recent Rovers squads, so are you able to shed any light on this?
  21. I should be amazed if there was just one iota of truth in this. Apart from the fact that SKWAWBOX is, let's say, not the most reliable of sources, it was 'announced' on their site yesterday evening and, to the best of my knowledge, there has been not one mention of it on more serious and reliable sites such as SKY or even the BBC. As Dear Old Donald would say, Fake News.
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